Nymzreviews.com official thread

I went the other way around: i have some difficulties getting to my iems as I need to hear when something is wrong (louder screamings or unusual silence - that means any silence that goes more than 20 seconds, basically). So buds with their openness and ease of ingress/egress are the way to go for me.

My boys are 3 and 6.


(10 char)

My kids are 4 and 7. I guess the “benefit” of a small house with an open floor plan is that I can always see them. :wink:


My listening rig is in the desk, and I don’t usually listen when they are awake.
It is kind of obvious but still impressive, seeing how our environment steers us to differents use cases and different solutions.

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Truer words have never been spoken. Preach it! :metal::sunglasses:


How about the new rank table?

Another thing, do you think I will make a quality leap if I change my hip dac for the Gryphon or the signature?
The latter costs 6 times more than the hip dac.

My current gear is : Edxs, Sv023, Raptgo, Oh10, Oh5 and (maybe) Top.

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I own the Gryphon and I have owned the HipDac and I would say you’d make a leap in quality. Particularly with your XS I think you’ll find that the Gryphon drives them with greater control and precision. I would also expect to hear a noticeable pickup in clarity and detail if you’re feeding it quality source files , like CD quality or hi-res. One of the few issues I sometimes has with the hip is that it can lose some micro details in its warmish, relaxed presentation. The Gryphon, on the other hand, keeps a touch of that warmth, but provides more forward detail and isn’t nearly as relaxed/smooth in its overall presentation.

Obviously, all of this is going to depend on your transducers, the quality of your source files, and, of course, on you. I have tried/owned some of the headphones and IEMs you have listed there (XS, Hook-X, and OH10), but have no experience with others. I would expect you to hear the biggest difference with the XS and with the Hook-X, though I think you’ll still hear a difference with the OH10 too.

  • XS - I would expect you’ll hear a difference with the control, especially in the low end, and also with some increased detail and micro detail retrieval.

  • Hook-X - When I had the Hook-X I found that it didn’t do well with warmer sources so I would expect that the Gryphon being less warm than the Hip will help out, giving you more perceived detail and clarity.

  • OH10 - With the OH10s, I found that the bass can get a bit boomy and sound a bit out of control with some sources. In my experience, the Gryphon tends to have excellent control and clarity when combined with transducers that can be borderline so I think you’ll find that the bass on your OH10s will tighten up a bit, becoming a bit faster and more articulate.

As always, YMMV and only you can ultimately tell what differences you’ll hear and if they’re worth the incresed cost to you. I tried to be specific about what I thought you would gain so you will have a better idea of whether or not the Gryphon will give you improvements you’re looking for. I hope it helps!


Despite some flaws, I can’t see how Mele can cost $49. This bass goes through everything like a bulldozer. Guess who has the best soundstage: Olina SE, Mele or ОH5 (I haven’t tried it, only on FR)?!
Whoever guesses will get a cookie :slightly_smiling_face: :drum:

Ears are funny that way, because I heard Mele as narrow and intimate in it’s soundstage. Olina SE easily has better soundstage for me


:cookie: Exactly! And has anyone listened to OH5? It’s said to have a small to medium soundstage! :slightly_smiling_face:
Buuut the depth :relieved:… mmmm winner is…


This is a hold up! Give me all your f*ckin’ cookies! :imp::smiling_imp:

P.S. Can anyone tell who’s bored on a conference call? LOL :joy:


:cookie: Here’s one! But I’m never bored, it’s just that people on holidays are busy with other things. Otherwise, I put the topic not because of Olina or Mele, but because of ОH5! But some people have no sense of humor, too bad :expressionless:


Hey me too :raised_hand: But don’t forget to nod and smile every once in a while!


Thank you for your review. It really helps me a lot.

I didn’t think there was any noticeable difference between the Ifi hip dac and the Gryphon. Mostly because the Hip dac is quite powerful.

I think I’m going to discard the signature because it’s more expensive and because I don’t need that much power as my most demanding headphone is the Edxs and if I upgrade in the future it will be a more efficient one for sure.
The Sivga has 300 ohms but quite a lot of sensitivity…

Right now I can drive the Edxs (decently I think) through the balanced one which gives 400 mw at 32 ohms.

Regarding the ikko oh10 a lot of people say that… I don’t know, my ikko doesn’t sound like that!!! It has more bass rumble than the Raptgo for example. I got a cable for the Ikko that cost me 60€ and I use it with the “reference” tips. For me the best for soundtracks.

I think I’ll invest in the Gryphon.


I’m glad you found it helpful. I haven’t tried the signature so I don’t know if it’s better than the Gryphon or how it differs at all. The hip dac is a cool device and it does it’s job well. You can look at the Gryphon as a more powerful and refined version of the hip dac and I think you’ll find that it’s extra power and refinement show in things like driving the XS and keeping the OH10’s bass tight and powerful.

BTW, I think the OH10’s bass is actually really good, but with the wrong source or underpowered it can get muddy and lose speed and articulation, IME. All I meant is that the Gryphon is quite adept at controlling the low end and I expect that you’ll hear that when you run the OH10s off of it.

Anyways, I hope the Gryphon works out for you and that you like it as much as I do. Make sure you let me/us know how it goes once you get it.

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Don’t forget: power doesn’t tell the whole story. As power in cars won’t tell you how it handles.
I don’t know how big the difference is between Gryphon and Signature, but I’m sure the power is not the only thing that changes :wink:

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The difference in my country is €150 between the signature and the Faucet.
The problem is that if I make this purchase it is to use it for years. In other words, it lasts longer than headphones and iems.
The forecast is that I will focus more on upgrading iems (sell and buy) as I notice that I like the sound more and that is where I see the absurd signature. It’s too much for us alone.

New 7hz iem is coming