Nymzreviews.com official thread

Just you having a graph for P1 Max makes me happy!


(Late) Christmas’ gifts opening - Pt. 4

Oh yes, we are still at this :joy: this time, from a crew member and sexy asian ass @drewid.

Since it is a great time to be nostalgic, I will never forget how I met this guy. The important part tho is that I somehow made him buy buds, which turned his head upside down, ending on a mass sale of his iem collection. From Variations to Serratus, Drew’s collection changed, but his heart didn’t. A genuine great guy.

Now, you might wonder if he is trying to either poison me or murder my ears, but I glad to say he failed both :heart:

PS: you can never have too many diy buds made by your loved ones.


Wow. I didn’t expect it! I thought you would say that the Gryphon would improve the sound quality of the Hip dac a lot.

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To be fair the UX coming from ZX300 is just plain terrible (both because of the interface itself and screen being the size of my 3 thumbs). What did I expect though :sweat_smile:

But I would not be myself if I did not connect my 500 Ohm Serratus to its single ended (1,7V) output to see how it performs in driving? Answer is yes it can, while being very pleasing to my dumb deaf ear. Volume 69/100, high gain. Still waiting for adapter to 4,4mm to come


If you’re planning on plugging buds (or anything else) terminated in 3.5mm single ended into a 4.4mm balanced adapter, I would think twice. It can be detrimental to amplification circuits because you can’t make a single ended transducer truly balanced with an adapter. Just a heads up.


Thanks for heads up , but this shanling m0 pro is having specifically designed TRRRS 5 pole 3,5mm socket that with use of their custom adapter would make this player balanced (while not having 2,5mm or 4,4mm dedicated port - my serratus is terminated in 4,4 btw) - that was one of their main selling points :slight_smile:
2 ESS 9219C are used in 2 separate channel circuits for that. Sucks they did not put the adapter in the box, but they promised me to share the pinout so I can make one myself once I grab the jack from Aliexpress before official is available


Oh cool! I just wanted to make sure so you didn’t end up damaging your DAP or anything else. That M0 seems like it has a lot of cool features for such a small player. I think my big ass thumbs would struggle with that touch screen.

How’s the sound quality on it though? I know you just got it so you might not be ready to share any impressions yet, but when you are, I’d be interested in reading them.


Thanks a lot for the care, I appreciate it a lot! :heart:

In regards to the sound - you may ask around, but I am probably the last person to ask about the source sound output quality :coffin:

I am known flat ear…, errgh - source denier. But I would try to do some volume matched comparison between my sources (or at least Sony DAP and Qudelix) and share my impressions.
Keep your hopes low though, I never heard anything significantly different even Qudelix Vs Questyle M15 vs Topping DX3Pro+ etc…
After quick minutes with that little boy I can already tell I am enjoying my music on it as well as I do on other ones :see_no_evil:


This is such a cool feature and I had 0 idea it existed. Woah. Thank you for this insight!


Just not to throw words on the wind.

My usual test album Rhye - Home (very dynamic recording, plenty of mid bass, “female range” male vocalist, quite a few of details and 3d imaging possibility) on UM Mest, Audiosense S400 tips, low gain, 40/100.

Everything is in the right place, I still hear my lovely very tight and detailed mid bass (throughout whole “Hold you down” track).
Vocals and acoustic guitars are full and sweet (for lack of better wording I would say that the notes have rounded transitions, without sharpness) as should be - “Need a lover”).
I don’t loose any nuances (low volume strings in the background of “Safeword”) - I can’t hear anything “new” as sometimes I can hear with different IEMs, but the details I know should be there still are present.
Staging is proper, though I never heard any cathedral type staging in IEMs.
No hissing etc.

I don’t know what else could any source do to this music to make a difference if I am melting already at this moment hearing what I am hearing :melting_face:

On the other hand brass part of the percussion on Rent I Pay by Spoon is still killing my ears as it always was. So nothing is “smoothened” or “velvety”


Cool! Thanks for the breakdown. It sounds like a pretty cool little DAP. It uses the same DAP chip that the Hiby R3 Pro Saber I just got uses (the R3 has two though) and I have actually been pretty impressed by the sound quality and detail so I was asking because I wondered if the M0 was similar.

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I’m super confused. HBBs graph makes it look like a banger I’d like. Your graph on the other hand is drastically different. To the point I’d have never considered it. Mine is still on the way in the mail and now I’m worried. I understand there’s some variables that can make graphs differ between measurements but, is it possible to be so different?




I had the same reaction to Nymz’s graph… looks like it’s on its way to diffuse field tuning? A little peaky?


Speaking of peaky I took a 2 min listen to the KBEAR Storm going to be short review. I can’t take the TinHiFi C3 out love theese things. Selling off my GS AUDIO SE12 or trade if anyone is interested. Any Canucks out there?


Oh wow that’s really saying something about the C3 for you!


Agreed I love fat tubby bass over the huge BA slam I guess. The SE does a soundstage like no other I have heard tho something really special sauce in there I want keep them but is it Tea time? I really wanted to try a Oriolus Szalayi as well. Huge ambitions tiny budget LOL.


Hold up, you’re replacing the SE12s with the C3s? Weren’t you saying how awesome the SE12s were just like a month ago? What happened? Or are you saying the C3s are that good?


Wow that is a crazy endorsement!


Thank you! I’m glad someone said it. These absolutely do not sound like Nymz’s graph would indicate. I’m not sure what’s going on here….


@GooberBMs rec and yours has me stoked for them. I definitely hope HBBs graph and your words are more in line with how they sound.