Nymzreviews.com official thread

You know sometimes you need to shut off your brain.

I know the C3 is cheap and it is not nearly the best at anything but damn they melt into my ear they fit so well., I am using BGVP W01 tips and the combo just brings head banging fun and I just enjoy the music , I find myself distracted sometimes with technicalities and stage and have hard time listening to the music instead of the speakers.

I used the think the EJ07M’S had some crazy 3d stage but not nearly what the SE12 can do not just 3D but massive depth and height and width that’s not possible I hear things 6" outside my ears and high and low with depth crazy actually.

That’s why I am finding the SE12 not as much fun and the fact I have a really hard time getting a very comfortable fit not sure what it is nozel angle my wierd ears IDK. Performance wise the SE12 they are endgame but right now in my life I just want to get lost.

And if a $50 IEM can do that I am happy.

My home system does that for me I can’t even tell there are speakers in front of me.


Cool. I didn’t mean to ask anything offensive or to be nosey if that’s what you meant by me needing to shut off my brain. I was just genuinely interested in understanding what you were saying. The way you worded it made it so I couldn’t tell if you were just saying you preferred the C3s for your use case and enjoyment or if you were saying that the C3s actually match the SE12’s performance and that you’re replacing one with the other. Thanks for clearing that up though! I’m glad you’re stoked on the C3s.

I really dig my T3+ and I’ve heard the C3s are similar and if that’s the case, I can easily understand why you like them. I might just have to grab a pair sometime and hear for myself.


The main thing about the graphs that make it look radically different:

  • they have different target graphs underlaid. Makes the squiggles look more pronounced on Nymz’

  • the x-axis parameters are squishing Nymz’s graph a little bit, in comparison. Nymz’ goes from 800-5k Hz in a much more condensed way

Yay statistics class, learning me things!


Perhaps the issue is that HBB has not aligned the peak to 8k for coupler resonances (in keeping with Crinacle’s measurement methodology) whilst Nymz has.

Truthear HOLA Earphone 11mm High-Performance Dynamic Driver

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finally bro ! i absolutely love them, super versatile if you don’t afraid of eq and even without they are great, super competitive for the price .
even tough i must say the graph looks a bit odd in the upper mid area

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Another short impressions on M0 Pro mostly from usability perspective.

Disclaimer: it may sound as I am nitpicking and this is negative review, but to be honest I really like this device, functionality, niche place it has in the market and how it fills this place. If the BT connectivity turns out reliable it may have a chance to replace my favourite audio source of all time Qudelix 5k.

  • this thing is very cute, but extremely small. I am a sucker for small devices in general for portability, and modern high end DAPs are my worst enemy because of that, but this is on the opposite extreme of the size. It may be too small. My thumb is like one third of the screen size. The fonts are very thin and small and connected with low Res screen they are barely readable. Reading long song titles is pain in the ass.

  • the size gets me plenty of perks on the other hand - it just blends in my pocket (which may be a bad thing as you may loose track of where it is). It does not weigh anything so it does not pull my pyjama pants down while night cooking [image]. It is perfect for bed as it is not likely to hit me in the head or to drop on the floor getting destroyed or destroying my tiles as some M17s or DX300s would do. It also fits snuggly in my IEM case with pair of tips - PERFECT

  • overall user experience is not perfect coming from Sony ZX300A DAP. There everything is basically 3 clicks away. In M0 Pro to get out of the play now to playback option you need several swipes. Also it is not buttery smooth in that department.

  • battery seems really good, but need more testing - after 2-3h of mixed listening (IEMs on low gain, high impedance buds (500Ohm Serratus) and 24h of standby I lost one bar.

  • did not test the BT connectivity yet

  • the sound is on par with my other portable devices at least like Qudelix5k, Sony DAP. No nuance is lost, bass is tight, dynamics are great, nothing is softened or oversharpened. Just like a transparent source (as it should be IMO). Did not compare with DX3pro+ yet.

  • build quality is almost perfect. One small nitpick is the volume wheel sometimes skips one setting, is somewhat loose and not clicky enough (at least comparing with Shanling Q1).

First impressions: 9/10. This is probably not a perfect device for most hardcore audiophiles, but for what it is apart from some minor quirks it does what it is supposed to do very well. Probably also the target user is more someone from general consumer market treating this as an entry device to the high end audio. And here M0 Pro also fits like a glove.

Edit: I found out it has super useful feature of BT - it shows played track info from YouTube and Spotify!! Sony DAP, Shanling q1, BTR7 did not do that!


My autoradio does that too. Cool feature.
can M0 do BT in and out? does it support usb connectivity out for dongles? I think about it because of a Z video I saw once. When a device does usb in and out and BT in and out, is becomes the ultimate hub for audio connectivity: you can hook it to your phone to play and control streaming services, or plug it to a powerful dongle or even a desktop dac to add BT connectivity to it…

I don’t know if I would really have a use case for this little thing, but it makes me want one just because… you never know…

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Yup, it is 2 way BT device. Yup, it can work as transport with USB dongles (I have seen pics of it with RU6 connected) though the battery drain is probably making it usable for an hour or two. It can serve as USB DAC as well.
It is basically what you described short of WiFi for AirPlay or some DLNA steaming that for example it’s older brother Q1 had.

It also has some cool, but software limited feature called SyncLink where you can control this DAP (playback plus library browsing and selection) from your phone level. So usable in scenario when you have it hooked up as a transport for home audio system for example. Problem is it works via very shitty Android app :stuck_out_tongue:


Anyone have a Tea 2 vs SA6 comparison? Everyone talks about the SA6 but no one seems to care about the former.

Both have been touted for their tonality but neither is very technical.

I can only speak about the Tea 2, it’s extremely well tuned but lacks a bit of detail and lacks bass texture.


Unless someone beats me to it, I may be able to give some impressions. I have the Tea 2 and my SA6 should be here in a week or two. I went a little crazy with gear buying lately so I haven’t spent much time with the Tea 2 yet.


@nymz Hi. Did you try both Xenns Top and Symphonium Meteor? Which is the best in your opinion? And why?


Can I join the club or theese don’t count?

HEYDAY went bye. Kept the PR1 PRO and traded for the Xenns Mangird UP.

Custom shell UP.


Looks dope, congrats on your new shiny!


Gorgeous set you’ve got there!


Oof - love the opal look of the faceplates, congrats!


Nymz I think you did nail the review of the UP perfectly describing it. But I would have never considered the treble dark before.

I am on a strange new journey of self discovery. I have been in the audio industry for a very long time. I was pretty sure I nailed down my preference. I didn’t think I would like the Xenns UP, truthfully as lots of people comments on its dark signature.

The UP is truly wonderful.

I always steered away from dark sound signatures from my last one that was called dark the Penon Globe. I sold that one because of lack of high frequency, but remember why I liked it so much the smooth dreamy vocals but the top end was too tame for me.

I just got the TANGZU Zietan Wu Heyday and on first listen I hated it never had that happen before to me, as I always try find the best of whatever I am listening to.

I realized flat “neutral tuning” is just … boring for me and the Heyday tuning or combo of the planar. The UP’s sound signature sounds to my ears correct tonality and what I realize is my version of neutral is in fact elevated bass and mid bass with extended treble extension but not bright or to forward.

The UP still has wicked treble for me and great extension the Sonion EST I am sure to thank here.

Still trying to figure this out. Off to Disneyland tonight but when I get back I will do a comparison between my +3db Sub Boosted Resin EJ07M’S


Alrighty, been a long time since I made a detailed comparison post, so here we go! Today I’m sharing my thoughts on my journey with TWS ANC IEMs (and, as always, YMMV).

The contenders

  • Soundcore Liberty Air 2 Pro (called Air 2 Pro from now; discontinued; RRP £110)
  • SoundPEATS mini pro HS (called mini pro from now; RRP £63)
  • AKG N400NC (called AKG from now; between 48 - 150 USD).

Btw, all 3 IEMs have been reviewed by more knowledgeable folks than me, so check out YouTube as well.

Before I begin, I want to give a big shoutout to @nymz for his Santa gift - AKG N400NC. They were almost brand new, all accessories included, in perfect condition. Thanks again for your generosity, amigo - you da best :heart:

Santa's gift

Ok, so here we go with the IEM comparison!

Usability (fit, comfort, app support, ANC, connectivity, touch controls)

I think usability is one of the important criterion when assessing TWS. I use TWS when I’m cooking, cleaning, commuting, travelling, or walking. I’m willing to compromise some sound quality for going wireless and getting ANC. So, rankings in this section:

  1. mini pro
  2. Air 2 Pro
  3. AKG

Overall, I found mini pro the most comfortable and easy to use. They fit my ears perfectly, they are light, and the case is the perfect pocket-size. I’ve worn them for >3hrs and did not have any pain. They connect via BT in a couple seconds at max, and haven’t had any lost connections. ANC is average: sufficient to dull out the kitchen fan noise or a 2-hr flight, but it was clearly inferior to ANC and Air 2 Pro. Touch controls work ok, on par with Air 2 Pro. Unfortunately, mini pro doesn’t pause music when one shell is removed, and its app is pretty basic.

I had issues getting Air 2 Pro to connect from time to time, which required a “reboot” via the case. It also took the longest to connect to my Android phone. I also found it uncomfortable to wear for more than 1-2 hrs at a time. Air 2 Pro app was the best, however, offering preset and custom EQ, custom ANC, different ANC modes.

AKG is a mixed bag: it feels the most premium out of the three by a long mile. The case has a nice weight, and the unboxing experience was A-class. It was also pretty quick to connect to my phone. But… it has the worst app ever. It forces you to turn on location support, and even then, it can fail to find the earphones. Also, it offers the best ANC, but its touch controls are finnicky as hell so turning it off on the go to hear something quickly is non-trivial, and the shells are big and heavy compared to the other two. Also, AKG is the only one to not offer LDAC.

Sound quality

This is a pretty easy exercise:

  1. AKG
  2. mini pro
  3. Air 2 Pro

There are squig graphs available for AKG N400NC (e.g. Squiglink - IEM frequency response database by IEM World) and mini pro (Squiglink - IEM frequency response database by Paul Wasabii), but not for Air 2 Pro. I’m pretty sure I can tell you what that graph will look like though - a big ass V. Air 2 Pro is sibilant, and bass is boomy. It can rumble, yes, but a bit too much bleed. I had to EQ the treble right down to stomach some YouTubers and podcasts. Overall though, I used Air 2 Pro because it was my first TWS IEM, but once I had other options, I barely touched it. And yes, you can probably EQ it to sound better, so if that’s your thing, then maybe it’ll sound ok with some work.

The first time I listened to the AKG, however, I could tell this had a polished tuning. However, I was really surprised at how bassy it was - AKG is tuned to the Harmon target, but apparently that’s really bassy to my ears! Lots of nice rumble and good noteweight, but it did bleed into the mids. Mids sounded pretty good, and instruments have the best timbre of the three (although not on par with nice wired single DD IEMs; saxophone and trumpet sound a bit unnatural). The treble sounded a bit recessed to my ears. e.g., cymbals sounded recessed at times. Stage has decent width but not much depth or height.

Interestingly, if you look at mini pro FR graph, you might think it’s super bassy, and that’s true, but it has nice texture (I believe they use a biofibre DD), and by applying some DSP magic, it doesn’t bleed into the mids much. The treble can get a bit hot (e.g., Adele’s Crazy for You), but nowhere near as bad as in Air 2 Pro. The noteweight is a tad thin compared to AKG, but better than Air 2 Pro. Mini pro has the best stage (for a TWS - not as good as Olina, for example).

I know that AKG is the premium earbud - it has the most “polished” tuning, excellent build, best ANC, and the “Crin approval,” and yet, I don’t reach for it when I’m on the go. Instead, I use the SoundPEATS mini pro HS 75% of the time due to the usability factor. I’m still trying to work the AKG into my daily routine, but if I can’t, then I’m pretty sure @nymz will be more than happy for that item to find a new home :slight_smile:


Mangird Tea 2 update (after 30+ days) -

after the honey moon period over i started notice something about them,
every time i go over cerain amount of volume the song started to be harsh and somewhat distorted, perching feeling. every song i tested had his own “volume limit” i shall not pass or my ears bleed.
the problame is that that limit is not high at all, i really wanted to increase volume cause i didn’t feel like i enjoy these as i should have.
with this problem i could not listen to the tea’s at all, i was really disappointed and thought that my set might be bad or something,
i tried switch sources from my L30+E30 combo to my phone to my old SMSL M3 combo and all of them acted the same.
as last resort i turned to eq and i found that the problem was the 3.5-4khz area.
without eq this set is unlistenable for me (yes, it was that bad) but after reducing around 5-8 db from the 3.5khz area i finely was able to listen to them.
sure, it does make vocals sound a bit like underwater but and a big fat but, i could increase the volume to it compensate for it big time and vocals sound absolutely great now.
another thing i found out was the the E30+L30 combo was warmer them my old SMSL M3 and honestly i think a more colder analytical combo would be better for my taste for the tea’s . unfourtountaly my SMSL M3 is old and cheap and really distorted compared to my topping combo so if you guys have any suggestion for an analytical , cold and unflavored cheap combo (around 100$, maybe more if it really worth it) it will be great , thanks !
if you have the tea’s 2 and expirienced the same thing, this is one of the song of which i could notice the harshness like no other on “high” volume.

i used Peace equalizer and this is what i ended up with (for now lol )

the only thing that is necessary is the 3.5khz deep , everything else is just a bit more for my taste but nothing tremendous.


Did you try tip rolling? Changing the insertion depth and the tip could help alleviate what seems to be a resonance issue.