Nymzreviews.com official thread

i did but only with the stock ones, ill try now with some foam tips and not silicon , thanks for the suggestion :slight_smile:

update - still the same :frowning:

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I heard this track from YouTube, Spotify and Qobuz using my Tea 2 + Qudelix 5k (also Tea 2 + iBasso DC03 Pro).
No harshness at all. Iā€™m using the stock black tips (L size) and stock cable.
Iā€™m not a believer of Hi-Res, MQA and this kind of stuffā€¦ But this track in specific sounds a little bit congested on Spotify compared to Qobuz.


I listen loud (old ears) to the Tea2 on various DAPs and DACs and hear no harshness just great clarity I listen to many different genres Inc heavy metal, classic rock, hip hop and synth rock from Daft Punk to Lorde to iron maiden to Gorgo Bordello.

Could be bad synergy with your DACs


You know what, I think tea2 arenā€™t made for you. Donā€™t worry itā€™s ok: it can happen to anybody with any iem.

You know what, Iā€™m in a good mood today. I want to help you. Iā€™m willing to help you get rid of it, and Iā€™ll even pay 100$ for it. That should cover the freight and the psychological inconvenience you felt with disappointement. Donā€™t thank me, I just like to help people.


thanks for the help mate :rofl:

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tried different sources and still the same, i must say i am sensitive to this area so almost every iem i tried i had to eq down this region, on the tea 2 it was just more prominent

Oh, Iā€™m awake :fairy:

Lets run it down


The timbre of acoustic guitars on these (TGXear Ripples) are perfection!

Edit: spelling


Tangzu x HBB Wu Zetian (Heyday Edition)

Frequency Response Graph:

Hold the phoneā€¦


Operator: ā€œ911, how can I help you?ā€
nymz: ā€œHello, Iā€™d like to report a murder.ā€
Operator: ā€œWait, who died?!ā€
nymz: ā€œThe MC!ā€
Operator: ā€œListen young man, are you kidding me? Who the f*** is MC?ā€
nymz: ā€œThe Motherf*cking Competition.ā€


Thatā€™s not a very hot take. Iā€™m going to need you to do better

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Hey Days miss on Techno for me, Timeless is still king of 909ā€™s. Beginning to think I need to go find my dynamic for all things Electronic, but I will def miss that resolution.


I can see that. For 909, Iā€™d probably still pick Timeless AE.

But let me run down my quick thoughts loud:

  • Hits my HRTF like I hit my credit card everytime I see the word 50% off. I get 3D like I havenā€™t got since Tea2
  • Build quality is outstanding
  • Sub-bass is good. Mid is leaner due to the slow glide into the mid-range. Tuning is actually spot on but you wonā€™t ge the kicks in your face, just the enough amount
  • Thereā€™s actually mids - which I canā€™t say for most planars out there
  • The checkmate is the treble. What do you mean by no mid-treble peak and actual extension? Gimme some of that
  • Technicalities fall under the same tree as the other planar top dogs, from the top of my head, which is a plus given all the above
  • The Audacity dynamics are spot on for a set under 500. You add all that love to the planar speed and you got a killer combo

I dropped this track and it justā€¦ correctly replayed it. No harsh cymbals - neither too fast cut. In fact, drums sound amazing. Sure, the kicks could be more physical, but Iā€™ve yet to tip roll this bad boy.
Point being that mid-treble isnā€™t murdering me without sacrificing all the rest, makes it the best planar Iā€™ve heard for my library so far.

Iā€™m not a fan of sharing this much without a proper extended listening, as it could easily bite my ass. But I donā€™t see much to fault for the Heyday.


In response to you and everyone else that questioned this graph, I have terrible news - it ainā€™t my coupler. Chifi QC is what it is. In the end of the day, itā€™s just a graph. If you enjoy what you bought, no need to overthink it.

I do believe people overthink all this graphs/unit variance and take it to the grave, when sometimes thereā€™s a 1db difference between them (I know this ainā€™t the case, this is a fail).

I hope you enjoy the P1 Max. As for me, it sounds like an S12 with slightly less techs but more mids.


Nice keep the takes comin, 1. did you have OG Timeless and the AE at the same time? preference? Also what sources are you testing with, still Gryphon. I liked it with BTR 5 and my Monolith, but man the M15 hurt, now this is with aggressive music. Small Ensemble classical, solo instruments, great clarity, depth and space. Just wish it hit better and the Squig isnā€™t giving me much for that difference. need to get AE to test

Timeless almost sounds punchy in comparison to the others, i have s12, Hook, Wu OG, Hey Day and Timeless


SA6 has slightly better techs, itā€™s the step right above.

The Tea2 detail depends on what you are comparing it with, but if you want bass texture, it wonā€™t be the SA6 the upgrade to get it. Bass texture around that price Iā€™d get the EJ07/KL line, from the top of my head.


Yes. I have Top in front of me. Meteor was a quick loan but Iā€™m the process of getting one for myself.

Both are great picks for me, that will fall off under what tuning you are looking for. The Meteor is a U-Shaped full BA set while the Top is a bass-boosted neutral hybrid.

The meteor will be warmer, accompanied by a shy upper-mid/lower treble range. The Mangird will be dryer in the bass, and exciting around the area I just mentioned. Different folks, different strokes, both great.

Let me know what you looking for in more detail :slight_smile:


Everyone is welcome to the Cult, anyday :cookie:

Pretty looking things too. How did the original owner get that custom shells? I think they are the first Iā€™ve seen! Congratz :slight_smile:

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Merry happy new easter I guess! :rofl: Glad you enjoyed it :slight_smile: Iā€™m still packing some peopleā€™s gifts lol

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Sorry, I never got anything close to your experience and Iā€™m sad to see you have it, but at least now you know what you like and dislike, I guess?

Curious enough, have you tried to put your EQ into my Squig to see the final result in a graph? :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™ve been (almost forcedly) disconnected from listening to music all day. But believe it or not, this has been the set Iā€™ve used the most for the past 2 weeks. It just sits on my table and I also use it for work calls atm.

Congratz, thanks for the trust and very glad you like it!! :slight_smile: