Nymzreviews.com official thread

I do not have Timeless anymore, but I’ve been using AE to wrap its take. In short: the tuning is more balance and the bass feels deeper due to sub-bass boost and treble clean up. The “grainy” feel I had from the OG in the treble is partially gone, and the imaging improved quite a bit, but still has the same base problem.

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Interesting, i had a hunch to try it but didn’t wanna pass Chris’ up, now i need to stop watching Twilight videos

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I have to say this and Tantalus truly have me curious now, after hearing Serratus

I feel ya. I would not get the AE if you are pretty happy with the OG. You are paying 200 for a sidegrade.

As for unicorn DDs, my subconscious has been getting away from them, giving the price to performance and still having Zen Pro - but who am i lying, Tgx buds exist for that.

I’ve came full circle and well, here I am, full BA pilled once again. Buds/speakers/Focal for the DD sauce


I’ve either been blessed or cursed depending on how you see it, when it comes to the Timeless. Blessed that they work so well for me, and cursed because I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get rid of em … I wonder how the AE would fair.

Listening to Dan’s replay of them side by side, my ears tell me I prefer the OG but now I wonder. These recordings are usually not that accurate but still.


Interesting, it’s really just kick orientated for my library, i really am searching for the techno unicorn. S12 for more EDM ish, it just has that solid bed layer foundation bass for me. Anyway thanks for the takes bro, gonna stop reading about earbuds cuz ive already been on his site and nope cant lol, no more rabbit holes lol

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I am not sure I have looked for a option to get a custom shell and can’t find reference anywhere. Kinda cool they are unique.

What else have you heard that sounds like them? If they are what you consider dark trebble?

I was going to ask if there was a specific part of the graph I should pay attention too If I love this tuning?

I don’t find the UP lacks any highs , or stage at all not a super detail monster but just pure fun for my ears.
Cheers J

Dan’s videos made me super curious, and yes while not being 100 per accurate, his way of editing so it goes back and forth really does show for me anyway a better comparison than just words. and when he brings in the Mest, geesh

We overlap techno libraries, so I gotta ask: have you tried Z1R? :see_no_evil:


I feel the same way. The way he goes directly from one set to another with the same volume and song, really helps paint a picture, albeit not as vivid as real life listening, but at least it’s a peak into the FR of a set. Those demos really are like looking at a graph. It tells you the surface, but keeps the sub-surface a mystery which further fuels my curiosity.

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never unfortunately, Ohmboy says they hit hard, i just don’t know about fit, but im findin that unicorn

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exactly, when i look at graphs and compare with listening sometimes im like what is happening, he really made me shy away from more than a few sets to just realize what im truly after

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If theres a set I think makes hard kicking techno justice, that’s probably the one. Fit, comfort and mids are a con, but the rest screams TOTL.

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what about resolution, thats one thing im gonna miss with planars, for ear candy and depth, can a dynamic touch that? Am i just looking for a mild V shaped set with punch?

So true - I found his channel at the end of 2021 when the timeless was first released and I can admit the demo he put out definitely swayed my decision into buying them.

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Timeless is a great set. One that mesmerized me once I got my hands on it.

It was ahead of its time, and the proof of that is the follow ups. No set is perfect, but as long as it makes you dance, you are settled.

Don’t be nymz. Nymz buys. Save money.


i bought everything without his channel but was lucky, Timeless was the first iem where i was like, ok i could stop here and give up other technicalities

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If a set can touch those planars? Yeah of course. But it wont cost 200. The speed and transient sharpness help with that perception.

As for Z1R, it’s 2 levels above those.


I have no experience with other Planars but I agree 1000% about these points :+1:

Like I said in the other thread I haven’t experienced treble this perfect in an IEM before. The DDs I’ve used have no extension. The BAs have bad timbre. The ESTs are too airy. This planar hits just right :ok_hand:


That’s all I need to hear lol just wanted to make sure I could have my cake and eat too

Anybody heard the Twilight and some of these planars? I’ve never heard EST treble so I’m not sure a tribrid would be for me, only hybrids I have are Legacy 3’s and FH3’s, I need my unicorn people!!