Nymzreviews.com official thread

Agreed - I genuinely believe the Timeless was, in fact, ahead of its time. 7Hertz really went out on a limb and nailed the landing. Good for them. They tripped a little with the eternal, but the Zero has also become something of a legend. Let’s hope their next dual DD set is a winner and sets its self apart from the others in the $50 and under range. The Timeless still makes me dance to this day and it’s a special set for me personally.


Dude, right?! I swear the shock on my face when I first heard the Timeless is something I wish I could see and also experience again. The sheer amount of details … it was a beautiful time and if I may, my Hayday in the hobby, even? :wink:

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Lol we had the same experience, and that was off a BTR5 balanced Bluetooth with Apple Music, that setup is my daily at work to this day


The ESTs inside the Monarch are balanced and natural sounding, with a slight and I mean slllliight hint of wispiness but other than that, they extend well, while still maintaining a natural timbre. Some say it’s one of, if not the most natural sounding IEM on the market. But I can’t speak for other EST implementations unfortunately.

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For me, I was running the timeless off of my apple dongle using Spotify :joy:

I then bought the BTR3K and upgraded to Apple Music lossless and dude, I unlocked another chamber in the audio world. Now … I’m off the rails a short 15 months later :upside_down_face:


Sorry I missed this.

My current setup is L70+Zen Dac2 on desktop. Shanling M6 Ultra/Qudelix5k for mobile.

I also use Link2 Bal and now testing R3 Pro Saber (2022 version) for a review.

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Lol I think we’re all off the rails at this point, soon we will be chasing ghosts….I got a leyding cable for the Timeless so I could go modular, sounds excellent out of an M15, like solo classical is insane

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Thank you, always helps to know the context

Are we … the same person? I too bought the Leyding, although it’s a two pin but that is weird! :joy:

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Lol brother??? Haha hey great minds think alike

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Different sets but the cable is an an absolute banger of a purchase if I do say so my self!


Dam, now I really want a MMK2 and a HeyDay LOL. Guys stop…

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Wow dude great photo, and yes it feels and hangs so well, I’ve thought about the Dromi just for the hell of it

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Thanks brother! Had fun that night staging and modeling the Monarch’s / they’re quite beautiful and the Leyding matches them almost to a tea.

How is the Dromi? I considered that cable as well but couldn’t see a reason to spend an extra $130 for essentially the same cable.

Also @VIVIDICI_111 we know how the Monarch’s worked out for you last time, man, resist the temptation!

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Sorry not sorry.

Mid range machine goes brr brr


No no I haven’t gotten it for specifically that reason, I didn’t see the need, but I’d be lying if I don’t wanna touch em all

What are you guys shooting with cuz damn, mine look like the Dollar Store version

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Woah woah woah - let’s put some respect on the Timeless really quick.

Can I just say something?

Kind of controversial.

kind of…

The upgrade from the Timeless to the MMKII is not as big as you think. In fact, the FR on the Timeless matches my HRTF a little bit better - this is not trying to stir the pot but I swear that’s what I hear …

But there’s no denying the mids on the Monarch :drooling_face:

Also, I totally misunderstood your comment :upside_down_face:

I shot this with a LED light, Nikon Z6 + Sigma 35mm 1.4 :handshake:


All my pics are taken with my phone. I was about to buy a camera but well, baby expenses :smiley:


Well I have an iPhone 13 Pro Max and mine look like my thumb took the picture blindfolded, I have no technique lol but that’s awesome they look great