Nymzreviews.com official thread

As I posted earlier I have a regular R5. And it makes everything sing with plenty of juice. The only headphone I basically maxed out the volume was the Audeze Sine closed back on SE High gain.


Did any of you heard of this little weird guy?

Plenty of power, quite special amplification hardware implementation, very cheap and smallā€¦


Check the specs I recall reading somewhere that it may not work with mobile devices due to power draw. It would strictly be PC only.

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Well, I am considering returning the R5 Saber, for a couple of reasons. Still debating rn.

A wonderful and well made DAP nonetheless with great output power!

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Whatā€™s your reasons? Mine is going back since itā€™s chinese rom, but nothing to point on sound quality tho

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SeeAudio X Crinacle Yume Midnight IEMs ā€” HiFiGo.

I donā€™t want it. I need it.


Me too. Give it to me.

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Itā€˜s just that, having to carry another device in addition to my phone bugs me. Sound quality is top notch, but I donā€™t hear a difference to my Hidizs S9 Pro or Apple Dongle (the DAP has a lot more output power of course). Also, just some oddities and small Annoyances with Android.


What iems do you have? its definitely not a good choice to go for a mid-tier dap if your iems arent over that tier IMO.

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ThieAudio Oracle, Moondrop Variations, SeeAudio Bravery

They all sound excellent, but they are not hard to drive in the first place.

(I have more but those are my top three, ā€žHoly Trinityā€œ for me so to speak)

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oh, ok. The Oracle and Var should definitely benefit from more juice.

Kinda hard to believe there isnt a big difference from the apple dongle to the R5Sā€¦


Dang thatā€™s sexy. I wonder how itā€™d compare against the Teaā€¦

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Man colabā€™s and their hype trains are what 2022ā€™s gonna be known forā€¦just as long as your musical appreciation and your library play back affirms this then good luck :beers::notes::loud_sound::beers: HAPPY NEW YEAR :v:


Are there any good sub $200 budget tier DAPs that have both single end and balanced?

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Dont know about good, but there arent a lot of options to begin withā€¦

Hidizs AP80 Pro
Hiby R3 Pro Saber
Shanling M2X

Thats all I knowā€¦


Yeah, and when I really need more power, I got the Hidizs S9 Pro for that

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Happy new year, buddies!

May the audio gods be nice to you and your funds infinite. That you find awsome new bangers and your personal endgame. May you also get more luck with fedex than I do.

Remember to stay safe. We all miss partying hard, but health always comes first.

New year, new beginings, same hobby, same love for music :musical_score::musical_note::notes::musical_note::notes::notes::musical_note:

Edit: I shamefuly forgot to send a word about the best of this journey that 2021 gave me: my audio buddies, or, for lack of a better word, friends, that kept me on my toes everyday, pushing me to reach further and better versions of myself. Amonst others, a special thank you to @Godria, @igor0203, @Rikudou_Goku and @Tfaduh. You were the best of this year, hobby related, even if you donā€™t own Mangird Tea.


nymz, the retired party starter
CEO of Tea Cult


This new 100$ HBB Collab is also a good prognosis. Generally this close customer (or at least customerā€™s voice) - manufacturers collaborations are best that can happen to any kind of industry. I tend to see that every day that companies are trying to fulfil their goals which are not necessarily aligned with the end user goals


Hahaā€¦ :rofl: For some reason, I also have an extra/spare one hereā€¦ :joy:

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Happens to the best of us :joy: Iā€™ll return it though.