Nymzreviews.com official thread

nymz’s new FR target

For a good while now, my regular target no longer made sense. Tastes change, gear changes and knowledge rises.

I’ve wanted to re-do it for a good while but well, I had very good excuse for it: I’m lazy. Also having literally zero down-time and 5hour sleep per day while keeping up with a predatory job + personal life + this hobby isn’t helping. But that’s a story for another day, because today, I’m presenting you my new target and, for a good part, a good indicator of the current tastes of the Tea Cult:

You can find this one only on @Rikudou_Goku 's graph database, at least for now.

Now, the specifics:

  • This time I wanted to keep it simple;
  • Pretty standard bass shelf with self-correction between 200 and 300hz (depends on warmth);
  • Flat mids;
  • Steady pinna gain for that sweet vocal presence;
  • Slow descending treble for that air presence and detail;
  • Upper treble elevated for the sweet sweet sparkles.

Of course, this is just a guide and should be looked as that, doesn’t mean I take this for granted. Always learning, always improving.

Edit: Oh, I almost forgot. Buy LBBS and have a nice week. Music always :call_me_hand:


nymz, the lazy sloth
CEO of some Cult


I don’t own them… yet. @Rikudou_Goku is the guy you looking for.

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220 usd for Sundara is indeed an awesome price.

But you need to have a powerful amp for it (at least 1W@32ohm) and its a pretty big headphone, so if you got a small head it might be too big (not that comfortable).


Heading back to the roots of this cult, folks…
Tea freaking scales like GODZILLA with power.

Consider me getting this revelation only 6 months late… :lying_face:


Good to see you’re learning @nymz , but you could have just listened to me from the beginning.

As I’ve always said, “the Tea could be anyone’s endgame”. My Tea was balanced day 1.


It’s been years since I owned the HD600, but I think many who report hearing a “veil” do so because they lack adequate power for them (300 Ohms).

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tenor (1)



Hey, good to see you again!



I have HE400i 2020 already and big head as well, so size won’t bother me for sure :slight_smile:
I drive them from balanced 400mW at 32Ohm output on Hip-DAC and it all seem more than fine.

Honestly I don’t get this why this 1W is required for Sundaras given their specs in a lot of recommendations. I know that it is low impedance planar and requires more current than voltage, but still it should get well enough current quite easily from such 400mW sources at SPLs that would destroy your ear. Enough even considering giving still couple of dBs for highly dynamic recording/EQ.

I may be getting it all wrong (as I only have basic electronic course), but see the qudelix site on what kind of power/current we are talking about even from Q5k source for sundara specifically Power Budget – Qudelix, Inc.


Why do you think that matters for Tea whether it is driven from balanced or not?
It takes only fraction of power any DAC (dongle, whatever) is able to deliver with its specs, so with dB matched there should be no difference in how it sounds from SE and BAL unless there is highly different signal from SE and BAL from the source itself. I would think that difference you hear is from loudness on BAL set higher naturally on the same pot dial.


Haha yeah, sorry if I got confused and too excited there :sweat_smile:, was running off my ifi zen dac v2 3.5 vs 4.4. I already got a good spanking from the Tea CEO @nymz for making that claim, and told me to suit up and learn :clown_face:

But yes, it’s not the SE or BAL that’ll make a difference, it’s power. My excited dum dum happening there, and it’s true it’s the one spot on this journey that I keep tripping over all the time. Thanks for the article!


We still love you, Teddy <3


@nymz say, I was wondering. How come you have not published a review of the Tea on Headfi yet? Never got around to it?

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Never got around it. My main focus were never full reviews but just really opinions. It’s easy to guess how much was left behind or unreviewed if you think that I’ve tried around 40 iems in half an year.

I can get an impression of most sets in 5 minutes or less. Some will take half an hour or more. Some others, like Teas, as you’ve asked, are a journey. They are sleepers - you think they aren’t there and then they punch you right on the spot.

My motivation is now different, and so will be my takes. I wanna focus on stuff I trully believe while keeping it friendly. A bunch of us gathered here, helping eachother and helping others. I pretend to keep that fire on, while not getting so much time consumed as I don’t have much of that nowadays.
I also don’t have infinite pockets and I live in a country that is poor by nature, so every trigger I press has to have a motive - and I suffer from some kind of dumbness that I keep spending money that I think will be cool for people to know off instead of just taking samples. Most stuff I have, I paid it full. I’d be lying to any of you if I said I never got approach or I didn’t draw any attention, but that’s not what I’m here for.

With all that said, I’m now settling. It’s one of those times I’m losing the urge to the next new big thing, so more time to properly review and talk about music arises. If something is good, I’ll spread the word, in due time. You haven’t seen me fully reviewing any of my top 4 for a reason, but there will be a time, maybe even soon.

I’m still looking forward for some more budget friendly pieces, as is Olina or Titan S, because you never know. I got CCA by a random sweet act of kindness and it touched me, but otherwise I’d probably have skipped it.

Also another reason is that I get too lost in the sauce. Everytime I sit down to write more words, I end up enjoying my sets and my music. I’m also always trolling around discords because I came for the gear, stayed for the music, will leave with the people.

And I just rambled. Congratz Ricardo, you’re aren’t capable of doing something serious without writing 5000 words. Good job.


Full gas pedal shortbus. DM and EJ have been taking up all my fun time, including sleep time :joy:
You can’t just put them down.

Missing in the photo is EJ07m that, due CNY, won’t make it home soon (probably one more month).

Guess tomorrow I will have to put these down as I’m getting my Titan S unit. Time to bring other options with me.

Hope everyone is having a nice and musical week🤙


S12 and Midnight coming in tomorrow :v:


That’s hot :fire: Let me know. I won’t deny I’m interested, but I’m buying expensive stuff atm :rofl:


I would wait your review for tripowin leá

Hell yeah :fire:

Surprised by how small the box is!


:green_salad::shower: gang rise up!

How u like it?

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