Philips Fidelio X3 & SHP9600

I must have missed that, as I’m sure it would have caught my attention if I had noticed you saying that. Either way I think it’s a strange decision on Philips’ part to totally change the fun nature of the X2 and thus alienate the X2 fans. Might have been better to release a new headphone with the “refined” sound they are going for? I don’t know much about these things, though.

I can agree to that honestly, I am not sure what they were trying to achieve here really. They entered a rough field going into the bright headphones. Should have just kept the route they were going in with that more warm V signature people actually enjoyed.

Then again, I don’t think either one of the two is worth their price tag considering the competition but that’s just my opinion.

Not sure Philips has figured out what direction they want to go in with sound signatures yet

Why does a brand need a universal sound signature?

Not at all, More DMS first look. I think if everyone agrees that burn in is a thing, then why pop one out of the box and do a first impression video on it?

That’s a easy one.
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Were going off topic here. Lets try to keep this thread on the two headphones listed here. Thanks.

So, I went ahead and returned the shp9600 and X3. I will go ahead and buy the 9600 later on when the price drops out to replace the 9500

You should post this to the rant thread or @M0N could move it there maybe?

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Rtings review for the SHP 9600 is out!


I don’t usually look at RTINGS(I just don’t like them and their reviews) but interesting to see their frequency response on it seems quite accurate but that’s about the same as I hear from 9500 with suedes on it.

Just to list the Frequency response of the SHP9600 here is RTINGS sound profile they got from the headphone zeos posted his review of the 9600 as a “free share” on his patreon and has allowed it his patreon there. looks like he reviewed x3 as well but its locked currently for now.


Josh Valor had a surprisingly negative (to put it mildly) review on the X3. His biggest complaints were with the bass performance and sibilance. I wonder if he had a bad unit.

It’s possible but at the same time he does have a good issue with brighter headphones. At the same time I didn’t encounter any issues with the bass on it or artifacting. Granted I will say it can be seen extremely boring and flat to some it struck right around neutral for me personally. The headband remark is a bit accurate I did have that when I used mine. As for the brightness? Yeah, completely agreed thats the potential biggest deal breaker there. For me as someone who loves his bright headphones and barely has any reaction to brightness it was borderline just sibilant and uncomfortable it was to the point of putting it down and not wanting to pick it up again when I had both of these headphones in house. It’s alright if you can deal with the brightness though. Granted vs the Sundara? X3 loses hands down.

I really don’t think Phillips paid any attention at all to their consumers outside of the most extreme complaints on the 9500.

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I laughed at Josh’s mildly annoyed “Who asked for this?” at the beginning of the review. It’s true - when the X3 was announced people probably expected an improved X2 and not a whole different animal.

By the way, Zeos made an official thread for Philips SHP9600. Would it be a good idea to merge that thread with this one, since we’ve already been discussing both new Philips headphones here for a while now?

I did get a good laugh out of that. I seen it coming as hes quite treble sensitive as it is lol.

I mean, I like it more than the original X2 but definitely not more than the X2hr. If they would’ve made it a proper V signature I would have been okay with that. They pulled a Beyerdynamic on the X3 over there and made it bright as hell.

Seems like it may be some work but, I will go ahead and tag the big moderators if they want to do that. @Ohmboy @WaveTheory @M0N Just incase.

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That’s why I’m going to push it on the other two lol, I don’t want to sort through and pick out 9600 from x3, that just doesn’t seem like it would be very readable anymore

I wouldn’t even worry about it at that point its a mixed bunch of crap lol.

Deal? Reduced price? 316.78$ amazon seller.

Still not worth it.