đŸ”¶ PULA (audio) PA02

I think they’re really lovely on my Link2Bal Max, which is a warmish DAC dongle with a polished gentle treatment of highs, very weighty and saturated lower mids topped of with an incredibly wide, immersive and expansive stage. It generates that helmet-of-sound experience.

I think it negates the shortcomings of the PA02.

However, I only truly enjoy this IEM when playing at high volume. It’s not an analytically tuned IEM (although it has pretty fantastic sense of extension both ways) but that’s kind of a strength at high volume.


Got Original Earphones store response on PULA’s “issue” with connectors swing:
“The connection between the cable and the earphone can be pulled out, it is not fixed, so if you shake it with your hand, it will swing
 The metal structure of the interface is not a fixed circular shape and can be opened, which may not cause damage to the interface during insertion and removal”

They also said that if there’s no connection loss then there will be no problem.

Well, i hope so :smiley:
Tried the same with several other IEMs of mine and most of them also had this “feature” to varying degrees, even EJ07M with metal shells.


They said the same to me but in much more confusing wording, for now time will tell and honestly my sis is barbaric and it still works fine

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Channel imbalance has reached out to me today, so my Pula just got dangling (pun intended).

Hope that the other sets I ordered for my 40th bday will not have this kind of issue. (SM SW02 and Kontinum Soara)

Edit: tried different tips/cables, didn’t get better.

so is this a good blind buy? and no issue with build?

If you look through the thread, at first it was hyped up to no end, but reality slowly started to trickle in. Loose 2-pin connectors and good but not great sound quality have been reported by some people. Not sure if they’re worth the blind buy at this point.


thanks i got confused for a sec since i was seeing conversation with different opinion. this thread is really helpful for blind purchases! thanks again appreciate it

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Anytime, best to do as much research as possible before blind buying, you did the right thing.

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I adore Pula with HanSound Nyx :heart_eyes:


I did a vid on the Yanyin Canon 2 and did a comparison with the PA02 and it faired very well the two are tuned very close with the PULA being the more laid back set. But they both compliment each other. Which one to pick up for a listen depends on my mood.

Both are great.


Glad your loving your set as well!

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After I listened to my set again today, the channel imbalance does’t looks like a volume issue, more like some of the drivers died on one side. Left side has bass, but cymbal strikes and female vocals are kind of muted or missing. It’s a bummer.


That’s no good what store did you get your set from?

Cicada store, because I ordered a custom colorway

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If anyone wants to trade their Hidizs MP145 for my Pula PA02, dm me!

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Not the kinda guy to give uo on an iem
( Tangsu Fudu the exception it’s irredeemable) I put the Pula-02 in plugged into the Hiby RS2 and have had a thoroughly good evening listening the RS2 magnifying everything good about its playback and not showing what I didn’t like out of the Hiby R6 111 and shanling M6 Ultra which both presented with a timbre issue for my ears in the upper mids and lower treble.
I’m back on board with the Pula now have founds partner :sunglasses::+1:




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Pretty sure I saw a movie once called “The Irredeemable Fudu” - well, pretty sure
it was at the end of a three day weekend


This doesn’t surprise me, the stores started selling this with lies about the drivers used.
The quality control of the units is poor as expected from shady brands from China

Reviewers should be more cautious about certain recommendations.