šŸ”¶ PULA (audio) PA02

I think they are customized Knowles personally but what matters is the sound.



could you share a link to Tan the Chinese IEM tuner please? I would like to read about his career. :pray: Thanks ToneDeafGuru man.

The only information I received was from the seller and I am inclined to believe Myer-Audio maybe the OEM not PULA and they use the same tuner.

The CLKVX and the PA02 are supposed to be the same IEM according to my friend Antonio- ARKOS.

I would love to get more info and hopefully get some answers soon.

Will share when I do.


elementary my dear Monk.
thanks man.

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Another set with this kind of tuning probably about $60 than PA02 with a modular cable, more air but simular stage have to do my final A/B today.
But so far PA02 sounds more musical to me and Cadenza more cool and dry.


huh that looks nice and letshouerā€™s got a bit more backing to it

I might give it a look sometime if I donā€™t end up buying new Dusk or Maestro mini

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Thatā€™s a hell of a spider graph! :spider_web:


If I had time Iā€™d superimpose it on here as ā€œaudiophetamineā€



Is this from a paper on how spiderā€™s webs were affected by controlled drug administration?

edit: I found the paper ā†’ NASA conducted these experiments, building off the work of Dr. Peter Wittā€¦


damn thatā€™s a hell of a fight between Cadenza and Sliivo


All 4 of thoose are great IEMā€™S and dont cost your left leg. Fantastic to see so many choices under $300 now.


Iā€™d jump at em but for now Iā€™m looking to grab a Scarlet or a Maestro Mini v2 for cheap if possible

Finally assembling an IEM for each type of tuning lol, Cadenza 4 is my current pick for these but Sliivo is very close

I have listened to the GM loved it same for SM great IEMā€™s

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Gm is bae, so chill, so bassy.


Would love your take on the BGVP DMA.
1DD/2BA/2BC, semi open-back. $299

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I saw this when first teased/launched but it quickly died . From what i was told thoose Sonion BC BA drivers are a joke tbey dont work as advertised and super expensive.

Always down to try something new. I will pass on this one unless I hear differently that itā€™s a release worth exploring.

Some of theese including this I reached out to BVGP directly and HiFiGo both were unresponsive for a sample.

I have my radar pointed at a Malaysian company called ALPHA OMEGA and noticed they also reverse engineered the 64 Audio and FiR Audio tech in thier releases and super pretty shells .

Buying a RA $549 USD for a 1DD SONION BA mids and 2 EST

Why does everyone say that Sonion BC BA does not work. But judging by the video from Bad guy, Š”anpur proves the opposite!

Sonion Bone Conduction not a physical BC driver. Even then in theory it only works under the perfect conditions if tour ear anatomy would be conducive.

Look at real BC headphones they dont even go in your ear for a reason.
And if you research what Sonion is saying and understand the pseudoscience it doesnā€™t add up.

Now I know manufacturers who tried them with zero results 0.

The BC in the EE Evo, the BQEYZ Wind were the only two I tried that I could tell something different.

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Iā€™ve been looking at that one for BC shenanigans lol

Iā€™m lucky Iā€™m broke or you two would be enough for me to buy a GM