đŸ”¶ PULA (audio) PA02

Answers that question.
Boths sets I now use a dac to output to IEM , Same Cable , Same foam tips.

On Paper this latest batch of CKLVX D41 measures nicer.

They are the same IEM.
Better cable on Meyer-Audio CKLVX

Kinda of a toss up depending on what faceplate you like the most


Well they messaged me saying they’d pay me back for the postage if I send it back, planning to do it and see if I can change the right shell to another color.

For people who sent their units back, does this look right for a USPS label?

Contact:Zhu Meixia
Address: 902, building 8, jinguiyuan
Address 2?: New century garden, Shijie Town
City: Dongguan
Province: Guangdong, China

Make sure you put a value less than $10 or it will get flagged from China Import and the duties will be so high for them they will never pick it up. Speaking from experience here.

I am sure they told you that already I hope.

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Yep planning on going like 4.33 after all it’s broken anyways

I did 10 bucks on my Mext since they said under 100usd on that, I can’t celebrate yet since they haven’t received it, shits making me nervous lol

Sent mine and forgot all the shenanigans about 4.33, just ended up putting 5 bucks on there. Fingers crossed they can do the new vent thingy on my light blue shells and obviously the connectors hopefully being great.

Gave em a listen before shippin em, absolutely great set that I might sell anyways to fund a Cadenza 4

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New release incoming 1+4+2 looking great.


hopefully close to Cadenza’s price so I can skip that one lol

2 Sonion EST are not cheap my contact’s guestimate is $500

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Welp gonna pass up on it until I hear the Elysian Pilgrim first


I have one Incomming so hopefully in the next few weeks I will have time to compare. Pilgrim is more than twice the price tho.

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Yeah I’m laying low until I hear stuff about that new one, DaVinci and Pilgrim

thinking of grabbing a Scarlet + one other thing before I take a long break from the hobby. Dunno what to do with Pula when I get it back tho

The Tea 2 is available for about $190 on Aliexpress, the Pulas usually around 180 (more 150 now due to comp. with CKLVX). Upgrade, downgrade, worth a try?
Old vs new go!

(I have the CKLVX, just curious about the tea 2 as it seems somewhat similar).


cklv/pula looks way spicer in the upper treble. Probably the Tea 2 wipes the floor with them.

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whats set is this?

I am set blown away these are under $200 , its been awhile since I have listened to my set and tonight I put them on the Cayin N3 Ultra in Tube mode.

Yummy :yum:


I’m excited for my replacement to arrive, feels bad since it’s not blue shells anymore which basically guarantees it gets sold

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If the PA02’s has your preferred sound signature, is there truly a concrete reason to look for an upgrade?
How much would one have to spend to get 5%, 10% sound quality improvement.
While I enjoy reading and watching reviews about the new releases I’m no longer motivated to acquire any additional sets.


Don’t mean to chime in. But I think if you like the Pula PA02, then you have won. It’s a great set. Not perfect, but very nice. I think the next step is to make friends in the hobby and try their sets, or go to a can Jam to try multiple sets in person. No reason to keep trying to improve as it’s a minor improvement often times at best.


This is some wisdom right here.


That is some seriously solid advice, so true. Making friends in the hobby and setting up a tour group is the best thing that’s ever happened to me during my time in this hobby. You get to try 4x the amount of IEMs you’d normally be able to, and not only that, you make some amazing buddies in the long run that also get to try sets they’d otherwise not get the chance too. It’s literally a win-win.


I would agree if your enjoy the PA02 and its pushing the right buttons.

For me now that I got the Twilight and UP’s I really could end the search.

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