Rant thread - share your grievances, not just audio

Blizzard needs to die anyway. Shit tier company.


That seems to be a case with most AAA developers these days. They don’t listen to fans, do what they want and then say that the fans don’t know what they want. The only one who can make a decent game nowadays seems to be Rockstar

The kind of sentence also applies to companies like UbiSoft, Activision, EA, Square Enix, Rockstar and Konami. It’s not surprising nowadays but it’s still sad to see when you’re in those days where the games produced by these companies were the shit.

Keeping my expectations on gaming as low as the grave as always, so that the so called disappointment can just be a sting, like getting an injection via syringe.

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It’s actually worse than that. They don’t just “do what they want”.

Most major game developers started as fans who just wanted a really cool game. Once they get a big hit, and make some money, at some point Wall St sits up and pays attention. Over the course of time, they maybe make another game, which is also pretty likely to hit. Then, “investors” come along to “sponsor” the next project. Soon enough, the once small independent developer has sold its soul and a group old guys in suits who don’t play video games own the company.

That’s when you get situations like Blizzard. A committee of “market experts” run the show with exactly one goal - extract value while they can. Bleed this asset (company) utterly dry, then they can leave its dried up dead husk in the ditch, and go looking for the next “asset” they can suck dry.

Once “investors” own enough of a developer to exercise control, the once proud independent game producer is already dead, and the inevitable downward spiral has been allowed to take hold.

You cannot produce a quality product that will do more than just sell some copies if your priority is on the monetization - you will cut too many corners, reduce too many costs, and in so doing will maximize the return percentage on your original investment at the cost of the soul of the product.


Welcome to America. That’s been the game since Day Zero

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Vile men created America after stealing natives’ land. The American empire got created. Its rulers gave birth to Wall Street sociopathy. Wall Street sociopaths ruin everything they touch. They don’t care about human rights, intellectual freedom for everyone, and compassion. They had Ronald Reagan cooperate by creating Reaganomics to hoard their mafia money while increasingly enslaving working class Americans while causing political coups that destroyed potential democracy in countries. Reaganomics influenced America to become a developing country with recessions, layoffs, rotting infrastructure like Mississippi’s current water crisis, and other uncivilized things. But these Wall Street sociopaths don’t care. They would rather waste money on their proxy war in Ukraine than help America’s citizens properly. They even control the misogynistic big tech industry. They normalized Orwellian government surveillance internationally to control slaves’ minds. They don’t want women having enough socioeconomic power to get rid of this dystopian situation that very rich men caused. So, they get corrupt women in elite-owned mainstream media virtue signalling to keep people distracted for profit. Also, they bully Julian Assange after he exposed Wall Street sociopaths’ warmongering machine that causes disillusioned veterans to commit suicides. All of these things are why video games are turning into dogshit. I remember when video game developers would actually have time to be with their families and friends while having financial stability from getting paid enough money instead of being treated like dehumanized robots by sociopathic bosses. But now, the industries’ captains are rewarding sociopathic behavior that values profit and power over justice, family, friends, compassion, human rights, financial stability for everyone (not only elites), intellectal freedom for everyone (not only elites), etc. I’ve seen decent job opportunities signigicantly decrease over time because of Wall Street sociopaths controlling industries. That’s why unhealthy and unhappy workers from the tech industry who are struggling to make ends meet exist during inflation, recessions, layoffs, sexual harassment, climate change, an energy crisis, increasing wealth inequality, and other things caused by Wall Street sociopaths. That’s why these video games are full of mediocrity and ugly glitches. That’s why the video game companies have outsourced wage slaves from India who might commit suicide because they cannot make ends meet from tyrannical poverty. These big video game companies don’t care about bullying nor poverty causing suicides because they are controlled by Wall Street sociopaths who have fun on their yachts and in owned houses due to tyrannical wealth inequality. Which is why some video game company workers committed suicides. People don’t usually thrive in a world where sociopaths cause profitable wars, dehumanizing jobs, human rights attacks, tyrannical poverty, and other garbage that all never end. Hence, the unhappiness and suicide rates have all went up internationally while cut-throat sociopaths thrive on making everyone else suffer. So, I do my best not to waste money on these video game companies that put quantity and sociopathy over quality and justice to workers. So, yeah. Welcome to AmeriKKKa where profit and rewarding sociopathic behavior matter more than justice to lower-class workers. :roll_eyes:






this goes so hard, thanks for sharing.

None of the MVNOs put any of the user ID info on their reverse lookup. So there is no way for them to validate who you are on Cricket, Boost, or a bunch of bargain cell phone providers.

If the cheap providers would put the correct info in, it wouldn’t be a problem.

I dont like rings of power i do like house of the dragon. Does this mean nuclear armageddon or i just have crap taste in movies ? So i took to youtube and social media to learn about pop culture fandom.

So far makes me want to move to the forest like zeos. Just too much to unpack.

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Yeah one of the worst ideas one can has because the dumbest f* always shout the loudest
So like always to each their own bad taste and be happy with the stuff you like :grin:

I want to dismiss these fandom youtubers due to majority of their reviews are negative toward the movie/show reviewed. But they like house of the dragon so cant write them off totally. Both sides seem to not enjoy rings of power.

(post deleted by author)

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Movie stars a white, cis, het man: a story and character arc I can relate to

Movie stars anyone else: what is this FORCED DIVERSITY, why are you making me think about other people, what happened to great stories with great characters?

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That’s not what I meant, and of course those types of characters are going to be bad and I won’t like characters like that. And no, being like that is something that I cannot relate and I apologize if the rant I have made is a mistake that envoked a misunderstanding.

I am fine with any race and color of people, as long as they are not bad characters, and no it’s very stupid to hate a person based on his/her color and race, for I would rather hate him/her if that person is a bad character is what I am trying to say. Then again, I apologize for the message I made for that was not my intention and I know I screwed up writing that rant.

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did not know young people take their entertainment that seriously with shows like rings of power " the fault line" of western of civilaztion. You guys watching ? news and entertainment press are saying ROP is killing it with the viewing numbers.

Anybody follow youtube show reviewers Zeos mentioned the “drunk critic”. I found one youtuber, “midnights edge” channel.

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I mean, the planet’s on fire, the economy is cratering, democracy is dying, and there’s a certain subset of people who seem to think the real problem we should be upset about is that the She-Hulk TV show exists because it’s got girl cooties or something. Drives me kind of nuts.

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Is it a subset or a generation of young people raised on marval movies that didnt know a world without connectivity.

Think that’s a bit of a hypocritical take given we’re literally on an audio forum being upset/caring about equally pointless things in the grand scheme of things as well lol. We could be complaining about the downfall of personal freedom and privacy and all that, but instead we argue about what graph looks better to us or how mad we are about some products even existing apparently

I’m personally of the mindset that if there’s nothing I can really do to directly and meaningfully help or correct what I see as a problem or something in need, it’s not worth overly caring about outside of dealing with how it impacts you directly. So in that case, I’d rather argue about audio than current world events, since that’s something I care about more and more directly impacts me than those events typically do. And if those more important things do impact me more, there’s likely not anything I could do to change that anyways lol

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So rings of power does suck and im not just imaging things ?

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