Reccomended headphones for me?

Makes sense.

tbh i didn’t even know it was hurting the headphones… i just dunno what to do to get sound that doesn’t feel lifeless anymore

Perhaps the Creative Aurvana Live 1 might be an option?

I would also worry about durability lol

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I basically did it like this

I don’t trust iems because earwax plus awful cat…

I’ll see if I can stop doing it but I just wanted to say (hey i get bored easily and its hard not to want to get some Zs especially when you are on a bed because thats the only place your laptops charging plug ca go in your bedroom and you dont have a lot to do)

Beyerdynamic may work then if they are closed. What else… hmm…
Perhaps AKG K371?

i’ll figure out if i need closed or not or if i need durable or IEM or whatever or not

tbh im just trying to figure out a good goal for the future because i am often feeling stuck and sad and buying things feels good… i dont even hate the sound of my M50s i just heard they suck and i want to improve and be the best… its just a feeling of wanting an improvement and something to work up to

I don’t think they suck, there’s just better for the price.

DMS and Z both say the M50s are trash

i only bought the M50s because i needed new headphones and heard they were best for the price…

i can barely hear a difference half the time and i probably have tinnitus and cant hear above 12 Khz if my audacity sine wave tests say anything

(if you cant tell my mental state isn’t the best)

Zeos and DMS aren’t right about everything, and everyone’s ears are different. Some people are able to use the M50x for monitoring since they shove all the details in your face, that’s just not what people like when listening for enjoyment. They aren’t the superior opinion when it comes to headphones imo. I think there are some better hearing tests out there too. @M0N usually knows some good ones.

then who do i trust to find my perfect headphones

i legit cant hear a difference between 20 dollar skullcandys and the M50Xs (ok i can to an extent but i kinda prefer the brighter sound of the skullcandy even though the bass isn’t as strong… despite the fact of the bass on the M50s feeling kinda boring)…

i never really had good truly audiophile headphones… i just want good stuff to watch youtube videos and listen to music and achieve music nirvana

i just like dumb loud and fun

You want the honest truth? M0N. No, just kidding. :stuck_out_tongue:
But seriously, the honest truth would be your own ears. Whatever you like. Whatever sounds good to your ears.
I think the AKG K371 would be a great option, they have great super low bass and the detail in the highs are also pretty good. They are nice and portable too.
The DT770 250 ohm would have good bass and nice brighter treble while still having great sound.

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You could order the AKG K371 and if you don’t like them return them.
In my experience the DT770 250 ohm were fairly okay when laying down on a soft enough pillow too if that helps at all.

the problem more is i dont really trust my ears and am suffering hard from the paradox of choice (too many headphones… scared i made the wrong decision and spending money will make thing better), i have this same issue when it comes to my turntable, my phono cartridge, everything basically.

i dunno if i even will continue lying down like that

i probably will but them though because they seem right for my sounds and i just need to buy an AMP and stuff at the same time… i hope the iDSD can handle them… i just dont want to have to return headphones because then i wasted money including the money of shipping and dunno if i really got what i wanted… wasting precious seconds of my life (quarter life crisis in full effect)

Amazon usually lets you return things for free if you say there was a problem with the product or if it was defective.

i am not a liar like that

That would be just fine imo, it should be plenty for either the 371 or 250 ohm 770


and im pretty sure a liquid spark can handle them too (maybe i should even wonder about getting a tube amp since that could be cool for my “i dunno what im doing” state)

i still wonder about open back headphones (maybe if i find a way to stop laying down like that for no reason)…

but hey i will have to check with my parents first

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Lol I asked them and they said “do you want one for your birthday” and I was like “no, just money, I just didn’t wanna bug you and was basically going to test it”

Well there ya go. XD