Recommended IEM Cables

Oooh - where did you get it from?
I’m using an EA Leonidis II on mine - but I’ve just had various new bits of bulk wire delivered which I’ll be using to fashion something more interesting.

I got it off a friend who sold them because he liked his 64 Tia forte more. But honestly I think that may have came down to synergy issues tbh. He was using (and also sold me) a x6 palladium hybrid which is a real nice cable on its own, but doesn’t seem to be a good match with the mmr. But gotta say this iem is crazy impressive, love how it recreates space and also how it’s extremely technical and capable, but isn’t shoving it down your throat either. Also no issues with est timbre or anything, sounds super natural with the right amp (and the fostex DD can slam)

I tried a ea Thor silver ii+ and personally also had the same issues I had with the plussound, idk what’s going on lol

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Ah great.
Yeah, it’s my favourite IEM at the moment - beating out my Erlkonig, Legend X and U18t. The soundstage is unreal, and it just makes every tune more fun than it’s ever been before. Phenomenal IEM, in my opinion. The Sonion electrets deliver such great air too. Love everything about them except the fit (but Joseph @ MMR included an acrylic custom tip for me, so I have no fit issues now).

My cables are varied, I’ll be building a hybrid, SPC, silver, palladium and copper so I’ll test them all on the Thummim and see if I get any weirdness. What’s your source out of interest, @M0N?

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Absolutely loving every second lol, soundstage/spatial recreation is a big one, I have other iems I like just as much spatially, but this one is super unique for sure

I thought the shell would be uncomfortable, but I’m glad I have no issues with it

Sounds sweet

It’s mainly been desktop amps, so far mostly it’s been these signal chains: totaldac d1 direct > dual mass kobo 394 ii or a lampizator golden gate ii > re / leaf e3 hybrid DC monoblocks. But for portables so far I’ve tried a lotoo paw gold and a Hugo 2

I am sure I missed it in here somewhere but, Looking for a good cable with a mic to use with my Fh3 Fiio IEMs… Recommendations would be awesome

I’ve tested a lot of cables but soundwise i prefer the ALO Audio and CEMA electro accousti cables.

At the moment i use the Reference 8 from ALO Audio and the MS-Series from CEMA. The ergonomics of the Reference 8 is just too bad to talk about :smiley: but the CEMA is an awesome cable for a very good price.


I’m sick and tired of my IEM shells falling off of my 2-pin cables.

Is there any cable (preferably Chi-Fi) out there with thicker pins so it’s more difficult to pull the pins out of the shell?
(thinking of investing in the CIEM version of the Clairvoyance and I’m sure not spending that much if it’s just always gonna be in danger of falling to the ground)

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Anyone got any info on IEM cables that are in more unique colors? I’ve seen the grey/silver/copper/black cables all around. Occasionally you’ll see a gold cable, and on rarer occasions you’ll see a blue cable. I’m currently in the market for some nice looking and feeling cables and I’m interested in what’s out there.

I found this “kmrlim” cable and ordered it on Amazon for about 20 dollars. I might also pick up the blue version if it’s decent.

I also just ordered the reecho/peacock spring with the blue cable because I found it super beautiful but I would’ve preferred if it terminated in 2.5mm.

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How did this cable turn out? I like the color offerings.

It didn’t meet my expectations, the 2pin connectors fit a little too tight in my opinion. Besides that, its an average 8 core cable.

Ah dang, that’s too bad. Thanks for the update.

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Regarding the DUNU swappable cables, I can’t seem to find any of the other attachments for it; I’m looking to buy this cable and the balanced attachment. Do any of you know where I can find the attachments? Or if not, are there other manufactures with a similar set-up, for .78mm 2 pin?

You can get them on Aliexpress for sure.

As for other manufacturers, Mee audio has a poorer quality one, and Fiio’s LC-RE is similar too. One or two others do, if I remember which I’ll update

Soo, I have a question… I need a regular IEM cable (2 pin) that’s longer than 1,2m.
Is there anything like that around? 1,5m - 2m would be great. I’m in europe if it matters.

Make banging cables :+1:

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So does our own @skedra too :+1:t3:

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Effect Audio has a funky IEM termination solution for THIER cables that’s good if you use the same source, but have a number of IEM’s with different input types :+1:


Ah finally it’s released. I saw their product introduction in head-fi. Interesting stuff

If you want to look damn classy without spending 1000$ for a silver cable, this is it. :sunglasses:

I’d obviously add an asterisk after every “silver” on this page, but I bought it for the looks. Treble sensitivity warning: If your IEMs are “just right”, this (no-matter-the-amount) of silver in the cable might add sibilance/air.