Recommended IEM Cables

Been searching for a pure copper cable (unplated) and took a punt on this.

Definite improvement but it’s stiff and not that ergonomic because of it.
I’ve just ordered a Forza Audio Works pure copper for my 7Hz Timeless which I’m hoping will solve my search for a decent cable.


Yeah, 2 core canes and good looking but suck to use. I own a Pac480 and it’s in a drawer :frowning:

Actually he can also do a mini-XLR.
He sent me photos of a custom mini-XLR cable this one:


I’m 99% sure those are the same pics of the custom cable XINHS made for @nymz hahaha. Which by the way is an 8-core cable

And like he mentioned it might not be possible to do on a 4-core cable, which is probably what you’ll be wanting for softness and lightweight?

Make the suggestion to him. I’m sure he’d appreciate it.

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Actually he can also make 4 cores. I sent him the 4 Cores specs of the Kinera’s cable “Dromi” which is 4 cores. He said yes.

BTW I copied, and pasted the same specs.

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The Thieaudio EST stock cable was my favorite cable to use on any/all of my IEMs until I came across the XINHS graphene. You have nothing to worry about. It’s a great cable.

I have a little experience with cables. Here are some of my spares…


Ooooh, that opens quite a few options then then. Now I’m curious on how nice are the DDHifi BM4P modules are…

Very good to hear, kinda sucks though that DD Audio i.e. Linsoul on Lazada only carried the 2.5mm cable version

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That’s the best version. It comes with 2 adaptors to 3.5mm and 4.4mm…

Not sure if sarcasm or not…but I’m a right angle jack type of guy and I am scared of accidentally bending the 2.5 jack

Bro… You did 1 month of research and skipped this?

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I actually purchased 2 of the Kinera Leyding Modular Upgrade Cable. I will post photos once I receive them.

I went with Kinera’s cable, cuz I own NAN NA 2.0 Pro IEM, and I love that cable soft, and lightweight. Plus it is high quality, So I am guessing the Leyding will be the same.


i’m interested on that, let us know!

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U can make that as well with the custom

I did do my research, and I did know that the 2.5mm cable comes with adapters. The thing is is that where I bought the Oracle they didn’t mention on the product page what type it was and when I asked them they said that they only had the 2.5mm cable stock on hand. Kinda a you win some you lose some situation, I would’ve preferred a 3.5mm right angle jack, but of course I can change out the cable eventually and it had a bit of a discount and I didn’t have to wait 1-2months before my order ships and it’s arriving within the next 2 weeks

I’ll wait and see first, at the moment looking for a dongle or portable dac/amp that I can use mainly on my laptop and sometimes phone and that might solve the accidental bending issue

Is he actually the IEM cable Tony Stark :man_shrugging::smile:


They better have the Oracle discounted.

:joy: I think so

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I swear he has all the secret stocks of cables in China.