Recommended IEM Cables

That looks real nice, I wish I asked for without the slider since I never use them

If plastic then I just wrap them in a tea towel and tap with a hammer…job done :+1:


I’ll probably do that, thanks

Nice tip, gotta do this :slight_smile:

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Done loads mate no problems…tried pliers etc but the hammer tea towel tap works best…Oh and don’t get me started on removing the “memory” wire from Campfire cables lol.

ahah, also with hammer??

:joy: no mate…a craft knife, pliers, small snips and a steady hand :cold_sweat:


I really wish this cable would be available in Xinhs store so I could order it with 2pin connector. It’s a great cable, I use it on DQ6

send him a pic, he has stuff that doesnt post on the shop. you might be lucky.


I think he’ll block me, sent him 3 questions already lol

He’s asleep, China timezone

Anyone knows this cable/brand?

associated with See Audio


Thanks, seemed different. Pretty close to thr graphene then.

I think this seller has more accurate photo’s of it.

Seems like a wanna be graphene bug not graphene. Ill pass

I’m not buying it either way, because See Audio say its former HAKUGEI workers. I fking hate those cable makers. They sell copycat/lookalike cables for top dollars. Like their version of this CEMA cable.

(legit worst cable ever!)

EDIT: new approach seems to be copycat budget cables :joy: :joy:

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Atleast price is less ridiculous compared to this one :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Difficult choice