Recommended IEM Cables

Yeah, probably. I heard that it is pretty bad. We see I guess.

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OOTB, no mod, no eq, sundara>he6se?

I’m also getting a sundara soon, probably.

Honestly the Focal ones are even worse IMO, at least the crap Hifiman catheter cables don’t feel like you’re dragging a hoover around :rofl:

The older FOCAL cables were really bad. Not as bad as the pic of the cable I posted (still think it’s the worst) but the cables that came with my new FOCAL MG Pro are much better. Still, lots of room for improvement. :slight_smile:

I’m glad they’ve improved them, my elegia’s one was awful :sweat_smile: The HeK cable was actually nice other than ergonomics, I had an audible sound change (worse) when going to my Hart cables or the cheaper Forza cable I borrowed, only one sounded a little better and that was the Forza hybrid that I had to use adapters with into the headphones :joy:


That is different from the Sundara cable.

The are selling it for 130 usd though…

If it is a cable made by hifiman I would maybe pay $1.30 not $130 for it. And that is only if it came with free shipping.


I’ll stick with my custom balanced graphene XINHS.

It’s funny that the stock Sundara cable looks much better than the cable that comes with a 6,000.00 headphone. sigh…


Here you can see the stock cable…

I had a custom Oidio cable made for it…

And I have a custom Corpse Cable too.


Oidio stuff is really nice, I’ve had two of his cables so far, I really like the look of the corpse cables too

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Have you tried the first one?

I have 4 of these - 2 brown and 2 copper.
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They are indeed high quality, but they are way thick, and stiffer than normal 8 cores cables I have tried and own.

If the first cable has the same softness like the kinera’s cable I will buy lots of them😁…

I just like the thickness and the softness of the Kinera’s " NAN NA 2.0 Pro" cable :blush:

Or if you have any recommendations for a nice cable like the one I mentioned above that will be great…

Thank you

No, I didnt. I have cousin of his on the way, copper looking. But I think that cable is a bit stiff, as I’ve been told.

Kinera just dropped an affordable modular cable :slight_smile:

Pretty sure if you show that to Xinhs, he will guide you better than we do!


Yea I saw that kinera’s cable the affordable one, but it is 8 cores :frowning:

OH u are right I will see if Xinhs store can make 4 cores cable the same as the NAN NA 2.0 Pro’s cable.

Can I see his cousin :)?

Thank you for your advice…

Sorry, you lost me there :rofl: not sure what we talking about here, lool

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Lol :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::sweat_smile::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I mean the cable you have ordered :grin::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Oh, lol. Of course!

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That’s the cable I have and it’s great!

Thank you…

Actually it looks kinda soft, but a bit thick IMO.

Huuum :thinking:

I got that and a pire silver one as spares in the sales end. Dont own any yet, so im curious

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Well after a bit of to and fro’ing hopefully that’s what I’ll get including the grey hardware as a warranty replacement for my mullered Z1R cable but who knows :man_shrugging:

I also ordered a couple of other cables just for fun…as I now mostly use 4.4mm and I’m also thinking of getting the Amp 12 card for my DX300 so I’d need a few more 4.4’s for my other sets…

The rainbow one will be for the Reecho & Peacock Springs…

Will also sort out a Plussound Z1R cable once I’ve got the Amp 12 card :+1:

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