Recommended IEM Cables

Nice man! Congratz on your spendings. Bought the same silver cable!

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Is this one a new cable from Kinera?.. 69 bucks…

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Yeah, they got 3 new cables with modular design.

Everyone is jumping on board on the modular design lol.

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Guess I’m also getting that cable. Just bought this and I think it will match it grey hardware…

Anyone wanna rob a bank?


Noice that will be :sunglasses::+1:

these two golden fall xinhs cables look the same but the price is double on the second is it worth it to pay the extra for the furukawa copper or maybe wait till the price drops

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If I get it, it’s the cheaper one :smiley:

@Rikudou_Goku any thoughts on this system? modular seems like a no brainer

Dont have it, so no clue.

Have you tried any modular systems or ones you rec?

Dunu is the one with the best system. I only tried Fiio and Dunus though…


Does anyone know of a 0.75mm 2-pin cable with mic that is of good quality? I’ve been on a quest for this cable in vain; it’s for the QKZ VK4 I have and I use this set for calls specifically.

For some reason the 0.75mm cables are just a realm of mystery… Not only are there Type A/B/C connectors, every 0.75mm cable with mic in the after market I can find is thin, plasticky and look just as crappy as the stock cable that comes with this set.

Besides, even if Type B is stated, the VK4 connector just looks different from a lot of aftermarket cables that claim to be Type B:


If anyone has experience with 0.75mm cables of good quality, SEND HALP PLZ.

right on, i think ill try the Kinera for the 7HZ coming, i like that price

I believe the Dunu DUW-02 is around that price.

Modular systems I have tried

(From Dunu EST112)
DUNU’s is secure and fast to switch.

(From Fiio FD3)
Fiio’s take a bit more time to switch, but is very secure.

(From Moondrop Variations)
Moondrop’s is awful and they should feel bad for making it.

Then you have adapters like ThieAudio use on the Oracle. They work but are a so so solution at best. Still better then Moondrop.


thank you for the info, im gonna try this Kinera system, Dunu next, reading through the 03 is the best but for that price I wanna put it on a higher tier iem than i have currently

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Doesn’t say 0.75mm, and $89 for that quality cable?
Hell nah.

I haven’t used the VK4, but on my KZ EDX I just tossed a .78 2 pin cable on it and it works fine even though it is a .75 KZ like the VK4. I don’t think the tolerances are really that exact.


Hmm interesting.
Doesn’t it stretch the sockets on the IEM aka manually turn it into a 0.78mm IEM?