Recommended IEM Cables

I have my doubts that KZ is .03 mm precise. But honestly the EDX is cheap and I used the Moondrop Aria cable on it since the cable would have just ended up back in the aria box otherwise.


MEST MKII cable measurement…

Exactly where I expected it to be. This just shows how awesome XIHNS are. This is a $560.00 cable.

For comparison…


So I got a second A12 and it measures the same… good to know for my testing and for xinhs quality.

The white/silver xinhs 2 core measures about double .40. Doesn’t matter to me but for those who care the 2 core blue cable measures better.


Question for y’all balanced 4.4mm cable users.

I just bought an ifi Zen v2 DAC a couple weeks ago and ordered my first 4.4mm balanced cable from XINHS, because I wanted to try the balanced audio experience (this being my first DAC with balanced output).

The cable looks truly amazing, and has no flaws, really the online photos don’t do it any justice. I was really impressed with it, especially with how well the mmcx connectors snap on my FH5 - better than new.

What surprised me: As soon as I plugged in the headphones with the 4.4mm balanced cable into the Zen dac, the noise floor was high. I heard no noise floor before, with my unbalanced 3.5mm cable, whereas with this one, the noise floor was a clearly audible hissing (this is with the “powermatch” gain button turned OFF, by the way).

Wondering if this kind of noise floor is normal for balanced cables. I didn’t think to read on it before I ordered the cable, but now that I’m researching a bit, people are saying that with balanced, the noise floor is higher, I just didn’t expect it to be this high. Strangely, if I plug the headphones into the other 4.4mm output on the back of the Zen dac, there is no noise floor at all, which baffles me.

Anyway, look forward to hear your thoughts, and thanks guys!

Yes. More power = more noise floor. Turn on IEMatch, should solve it!

Basically it will come down to the impedance of the IEM’s or HP’s you’re using…Low impedance sets will suffer from noise/hiss from the more powerful balanced output…I generally use 3.5mm for low impedance sets like Andro’s and 4.4mm for P1’s and Z1R’s etc.

TBH there’s little to be gained by going 4.4mm balanced for IEM’s unless you need the extra :boom::muscle:

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True yes… I see that now :slight_smile: I think the FH5 are low impedance enough that don’t need the extra punch… probably I’ll order a 3.5mm unbalanced for them, and if I buy better/higher power IEMs in the future I’ll still benefit from this balanced cable… I’ve learned something from this and the cable is too pretty to give away :smiley:

Thanks for suggesting that… yes, makes sense. As far as I can see this is an accessory sold by iFi?

Guess you gotta just get yourself another set of iems

shame hot fuzz

Wait… Doesn’t Zen has a IEMatch button? Or power match or whatever. I tought so.

If not, I’d sugest you get an adaptor 4.4mm to 3.5 single ended and use it on single :fairy:

More sensitive IEMs strugle with too much power. Can also be the cable, btw. Do you own more sources?

Yeah, it has a “power match” (fancy name for gain) switch. I had the higher noise floor with the gain set on low :slight_smile: if I turn on the gain the noise floor shoots up… I think it’s what @Ohmboy said… the FH5 don’t have a terribly high impedance, so you can hear the extra power. Well I’ve learned something haha.

Haha slippery slope :slight_smile:

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This time next year you’ll be looking at IEMs like the Thummim :smirk::joy:

FH5 are sensible, I think. I had the same problem before. There’s not much you can do. Either go 3.5mm IEMatch or swtich cables/adaptor.

Thanks yes I’ll consider that :slight_smile:

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Lmao you already had me google that :joy:

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It’s one I want eventually :sweat_smile:

Anyone tried this cable maker? Looks like Jcally cable reseller but cheaper


Looks like it is a jcally cable. They were shit in the past though, no clue on how they are now.

ah okee , easy skip then.

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