Recommended IEM Cables

Hi guys,

How do you guys choose cables?

I’m not really a believer that cables will impact the sound based on what I’ve read (unless they are broken).

That being said regarding feel, stiffness and look and tangle-ability, how do you guys choose and rate certain things? What’s the physical difference between 2 or 4 or 8 cores other than of course 2 is thinner and 8 is thicker.

How about material other than look? Is there any difference?

I notice also someone measuring something above. What’s that?

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Unless I absolutely can not stand a stock cable, I leave it alone. If I do need to replace it: anything that is comfy, aesthetically pleasing and has ‘satisfactory’ resistance readings is what I choose. Also, affordable because outside of comfort and resistance, it’s glorified jewelry IMO. @Rikudou_Goku has a great list/ranking if you’re unsure of where to begin (link to spreadsheet in his thread).

Edit: grammar because I am two beers deep


Weight is kinda a big one for me since I don’t particularly like having more weight hanging off of my ears then is really necessary. Also I prefer having thinner cables running behind my ears (especially when out and about since I always wear sunglasses unless it is night time).

The number of cores effect both the thickness of the cable and the weight of the cable. The braid used has a large impact of flexibility, memory, and tanglibility. Material used in the wire coating also effects those along with softness and overall feel.

The measurements are resistance levels and if anything about a cable is going to effect the sound that is about it since an electrical signal really dose not care if it is running through holy blessed refined silver, gold mined by ancient Aztecs, or the finest copper scrounged from an AC unit. It just cares about how easy it can flow from point A to B.


Here’s Mark checking out burn in and a cable change on the FH5’s and his graphed results…


Only time I swap cables is when I want something that looks and feels better.

X2 on the lighter cables. I hate heavy, thick cables for IEMs. Too much weight and bulk. They feel “premium” until my ears start to hurt. For example, I HATED the stock Fiio FH3 cable. More like speaker wire, and the ear hooks were horrid.

All my Blon 03s have aftermarket cables. Silver 03 with the Yinyoo silver cable looks sexy as all hell. The weight and feel is on point, and the hardware is nice. Doesn’t change sound at all. The stock cable is “fine” enough, but I prefer a bit more.


Confort > quality > Looks > rest.

Basicly I like matching my stuff 🤷 but no point in getting something you cant use due to confort or quality.

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Has the 8-core graphene cable gone lower than $60 before? Or are we looking at the lowest price possible already? Looking for a veteran haha

It’s the usual price I think

This one was interesting because the results was different than both sides expected (zero change or less treble was the expected outcome, results was the opposite) lol.

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Great video! Thanks for the share!

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I totally agree about stock cables. I don’t normally bother with them unless something is odd about them.

I replaced the cable on my Moondrop Aria because it would transmit the noise of rubbing on my clothes, but I didn’t buy a special cable for it.

I have a pair of two pin cables in the drawer for when a cable bothers me, one is 3.5mm and the other 2.5mm balanced. They were about $30 each, and I have been really happy with them.

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Regarding Xinhs cables,

Do you guys reckon the 8-core graphine is a little too much/heavy for outdoor use?

Slight. 4 core might be better for that.


I got a nice deal on this NICEHCK C16-2 for just 13$ while normal price is 36$… Should I grab it? :thinking:

Looks pretty legit, pic from the customer reviews

I literally just put in an order for four more graphene cables.


My favourite guy. At least i dont feel as bad with my expenses. You’re a madman and I love it.

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XINHS graphene 4 core cable arrived after 14 days to Malaysia. I am SUPER DUPER SATISFIED! Light and nice look! Together with SpinFit CP100. I requested seller to make it 90cm long, no chin slider, splitter at 25cm, 20cm heat shrink tube at plug (it’s free btw). He added himself small wire as memory wire. Because I put phone+dac into pocket.
Compared to thick copper cable, graphene adds a bit on sub bass and air. A bit bright. Overall sound improves. I prefer copper on metal songs.
I sold back Spinfit CP100, prefer Radius deep mount. Sounds cleaner. CP100 slightly better fit and comfort.


I should requested seller to use matte black, instead of chrome parts. Looks better with black iem (FiiO FH3)

I’m asking him to make a custom cable with black connectors :wink:

My last batch of cables is taking more than it should to arrive… Like double time. Hope they drop in soon!