Recommended IEM Cables


Yep and just tested it, even on different sources with and without adaptors, it’s the fucking monitor itself gaaaahhh, I haven’t even owned it for a week yet


You just learned an expensive lesson :stuck_out_tongue: no IEMs on the bed. Use earbuds :slight_smile:

I would still use an IEM on bed, but a cheap one, so that I won’t waste 500$ :joy:

Better send it back if it’s faulty

Yeah, I’ve used. But something that doesnt stick out. Mele comes to mind. I won’t use any of my tribids on the bed. And monitor don’t even cross my mind. I almost bended 2 pins 2 times thanks to it, I’m done with doing that now.

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Ya, an IEM is more comfortable for me on bed, LBBS is still comfort but not when laying down.

To me is clearly the opposite. I can’t lay on my side with IEMs. I’m graceful for that, I think :rofl:

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I sleep in quite unnatural way, just keep moving until I find my best position, that’s why buds keep falling out my ears :joy:

Yeah, just messaged the seller, but probably gonna get an answer tomorrow considering the time.

I sleep like a log on my back and hardly move in my sleep, so I never had issues with it. but I probably will switch back to my old earphones if I am going to sleep. Kinda ingrained habit now since I used earphones to block out noisy roommates at night when I was living in a dorm

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When I take a nap during the day time I use IEMs, though I do sleep on my back.

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I got one, but haven’t used it yet. The one I got is 2.5mm and I wanted to get some extra time on my laptop this weekend so I kept the stock cable on it when I got it Friday. I will probably put on after work today.

I am pretty happy with the construction and other than color and branding, it is the same as the Linsoul 16 core grey one that you can buy on Amazon for $20. Note they sell the jelly with the Tripowin branding for $35 on Amazon too.

I don’t have a tester, so I won’t be helpful on that front.

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They arrived yesterday, but I was at work (night shift🤪)

Sorry girls/guys for the horrible photos :pleading_face:


Those are nice photos.

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Thank you…

It is really a beautiful cable, super soft and lightweight

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Great photos! But how does it sound? :stuck_out_tongue:





like any cable LOL I guess


had my xinhs cable for about two weeks and today the sound cut out on the rght side and some light moving the cable around resulted in the mmcx snapping inside my earphones, managed to get it out of the earphone easy enough but ive read this happening to someone else on here aswell,

really happy with the cable but to me the connections seam weak especally compared to stock shure and with the heaviness of the 8 core cable any movement would occasinally cut out the sound on my iPhone though this could be down to the iphone itself and the fact i dont use a clip and took the bead off also

update : spoke to xinhs and he offered me any cable for half price so i went for the 4 core graphene with grey as there wasn’t much of a sale on already

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Boooys. Anyone got suggestions of nice cables to go in these:

(not graphene or pure copper/silver looks, have that already)

I’d like a nice black cable but doesnt seem easy to find


What about going the opposite and going a white cable for that nice contrast?

Sure, im open for sugestions since its hard for me not to match, but I wanna get freaky