Recommended IEM Cables

It is not like that… It is black with gold

I need MOAR STUFFS GUYZ!!! lol!


That is the kind of color I am looking for.

For a lighter color cable the Kinera Dromi is an option as well.

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End-game right there, on the left. You can sell the others :rofl:

We could just go with this… Complete stealth black. Done.

If I can find it in EU, I’m down. Is the quality good? No microphonics?

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I love it. Won’t completely break the bank either. Let me go see. I’ll check for microphonics.

Have them in my ears right now. Anything you want me to test?

AHAHAHAHAH I hope it works. Because if it does, I have an even crazier idea.

Damn I’m in trouble.

Yes, put shoe on head. Rub in on the wall without dropping the shoe. Sit back again. Remove IEM. Remove shoe. Do and handstand. Report back.

Lol… This bi$&h has weird colors, and weird feeling…

@Resolution help… Lol… Get yours as soon as possible… :sweat_smile:

My 3DT


This to match the wood parts more

Kinera dromi

Or this for the contrast

Dunu Lyre


I think more with Kinera dromi… Than the Dunu Lyre

Maybe the Kinera Leyding colors…

Black and golden Cooper… Also the black doesn’t really look black…

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I’d go Lyre personally.

Oh wait, that cable doesn’t come with Oxygen? I thought I had a brilliant idea… But nope.

Nope. It’s an upgrade cable. Oxygen I believe comes with a horrible cable.

No, no issues with this cable at all. It’s completely flexible and soft too.

It’s kinda funny. I have Oxygen in my ears right now and I’m like… HOLY SHIT this sounds sooo good. Why would anyone buy Timeless instead of this? lol

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Sure, I’m in. Can you take a photo? can’t see the splitter online

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Ah! That might be a deal breaker. The splitter is a stealth black heat shrink piece. Hold up.

That person would have to be crazy… :wink:

lol, I warned you. I said… “are you sure you want this?” You probably haven’t heard Oxygen yet right? If you don’t care for Timeless, you could flip it and go O2.