RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Ya @Rikudou_Goku turned me on to these and it was so unexpected how good they are. I use them at work with a Monoprice USB Dac/Amp. They’ve been characterized as like an open back and I totally agree, I like that I can have them in and still hear what’s going on with coworkers if need be. Will be trying the Chaconne’s at some point but I would love to hear a pair that is a direct upgrade. So far I don’t think that’s been found.


I have given up on that lol.

X6 is endgame. :joy:


Man that says alot, crazy but ill take it


Just ordered one myself after reading this :slight_smile:

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You guys are talking about these?


I was pretty amazed by the Monks when I did try them, so I can well believe those Yincrows sound incredible. Would they stay in my ears though? Not a chance :frowning: Buds would have some real potential for me otherwise.

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The one and only ( apparently ) I switched to the donut foams and haven’t looked back, very use case sensitive. Still would like to try the Chaconnes


@Rikudou_Goku i think you’ll like LBBS :slight_smile:

The monks are the first buds I tried (excluding stock ones from the dumbphone era lol) and I was so dissapointed by them that I wrote off buds for a long time.


NL is having fun with my package…11 days and it is still there without movement (thanks to the new EU laws delaying everything I guess)…



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Know the feeling bro… Customs are screwed up atm. Even express companies are messing up

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Can you see where the distribution center is in NL? We’ve had pretty bad flooding issues (though not as bad as Belgium and Germany) so if it’s in the south there’s a chance you’ll be waiting a bit more.

All I can see is “Consignment received at the PostNL Acceptance Centre”

My ry4s waited there 1 month…

Was that after the change?

Arrived there before, got out this week…



Yeah, it’s bad to be on EU atm. Hope this sorts out. I’ve had all my packages declaring lower values. Gonna pay 38euros of vat and fees for my lands, lol

I assume you bought from penon directly?

Because ali has the VAT inbuilt into the prices automatically now…
(maybe asking the seller to pay the majority of the products price via paypal, then a smaller amount through ali, that way maybe you can avoid the extremely high price increase?)