RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Sound or size?

Sound, they are all wide bore tips so should be an interesting comparison.

OMG, these look ridiculous because of the bore size but they do seal for me. I could use a L with Mele. Going order more right now.


hahahha, that sure is a funny look. :rofl:

See if you like ep00 as well. Once you described your tastes, they came to mind.


EP00 looks like it got a pretty small stem .

EP01 has a wider stem and should fit more iems.

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Those remind me of some old Koss tips I have lying around… well, even Koss isn’t that BORISH! :rofl:

Just put them in the cart. Unfortunately Large is not available for EP01. I’m open to anything that will seal in my ears and these are working very well right now and are not painful at all. I think softness is the key. WIN!

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The bore on ep00 isnt small at all :joy: its like azla sedna. But the bottom is smaller but stretchy

Then check also azla sedna light. I have them on my cart too. They are wide and soft.

ops, I meant the stem. 3,7mm vs 4.7mm

Yes but very stretchy! They fit Variations and Land easy :joy: trust me, thats not easy

Well, medium are working with Mele’s short nozzles. I have to push them in pretty deep but they’re working and I’m happy. Wish I had(L) with Mele but (M) is working. I wonder how these will work with Fiio nozzles? Thanks for the rec!

Yeah, I want EP01 Large.

Try EP00 on Mele. They work for me since the fit is shallow.

Wish I could get those UM tips, guess I have one more reason for mest lol

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Its on amazon japan or on mtmtaudio

Mest MKII come with a complete set. I got 1 large, and two sets of medium and small.

Link me MASTER! I have the Sony’s coming from Japan at some point.

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Yeah Im buying them on Amazon JP. Theres no tips on europe -. -

Riku do you own azla light?