RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Yeah, it’s the almost perfect ultra bass head set. That treble is kinda messy tho :rofl:

It isnt basshead in quantity though and to me doesnt respond well to bass boosting EQ.

Yes, the upper-treble is a big deal breaker and ideally I would want less upper-mids.

Then why do bassheads get it to EQ it? I thought it was awsome at that.

I dont like how it sounds with EQ. Quality drops way too much for me (including losing the famous texture).

The Sony EX1000 responds a lot better to EQ for examle.

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I see, always learning. I’m triping balls with my Blurs today. Spent too much time with IEMs lately

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This makes the graph pretty misleading. Again, I guess there is no better substitute than listening to the things by oneself.

Yes, in the comparison of those 2 iems at least.

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Ali Express is banned here :rofl::pensive:

Alternative-Rock, Indie mostly but also have ~1,500 tracks from other genres

@Gul Thanks for the suggestion, will try the Spinfits 155 & Comply Smartcore and see how it goes.

@nymz I guess I did answer it. Will get the Tea after trying some tip rolling

@Ethan011224 have you tried Honeydew? I’d be interested to know how they compare against OH10. I don’t really find any faults with Honeydew (for it’s price) but I’m curious.

Keep in mind O2. The only reason i didnt rec its because i don’t own it yet. They are different tho.

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Yes and i find them underwhelming since it’s marketed at 200 dollar but only deliver similar if not worst tonality then a aria (at least imo, aria do lack in a bit of air and detail in comparison)

in terms of bass quantity ikko oh10 wins by a mile, in terms of bass quality, I find them to be quite similar if not oh10 being a bit better. Especially in the upper-bass lower mid (Male vocal, bass guitar) sounds more real and have texture in the oh10 (if that makes any sense), the honeydew on the other hand sound hollow and lifeless (its fun to listen for the first time you put them on but after a bit they get BORING)
That being said it’s still up to your personal taste, if you can go to a physical store and try them, listen to them for a bit longer usual (say 15-20min)

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So my CCA NRA finally arrived… honestly wondering if CCA just gets nicer cables by default or of KZ is finally upgrading from abjectly awful cables to meh cables finally. Also the default tips are not awful either… so bonus.

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DQ6 has a decent cable as well. They have moved away from that old brown cable.

The DQ6 wasn’t quite as “nice” as this cable, or maybe I just didn’t bother to unbox the cable since I did steal the aftermarket cable from my ZS10 pro for it. I either unboxed the DQ6 cable or the EDX one and I honest don’t remember which anymore.

Yes, the NRA cable does look better to me than the DQ6 cable.

This is a very odd tuning or timbre or something… not sure what yet. At least it satisfies my under $30 goal of something different… it is that.

I am not sure that I even dislike that something that is odd.

BTW how does this compare to the GW GK10?

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Similar tuning but improved in every way.

I think I might have figured out what sounds so odd to me. It reminds me of older computer game chip tunes before they had enough channels to fully make a song (not the ones designed for the hardware, but when they tried to force it).

Around the 1:00 mark the electric guitar rift smears on the CCA. That is so odd since it is separated just very not defined… I don’t think I have another IEM with separation that smears a part of the music quite like it.

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These just arrived… Pretty beat up unfortunately.


…damn dude, 1 day shipping wasnt it?

Mine came the exact same way…

Amazon prime.

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