RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Just bought 3 sets of large and 2 more sets of medium. Then I got an entire set of EP00 of all sizes to try.

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No deliver in pt -. -

Rip, they are always sold out here as well…

The sheath material is very similar to the EP01 tip material. They are very similar actually, but the nozzles on the UM tips are a hard plastic. I might prefer the ePro more because of the softer nozzle material. You saw the differences in bore size! lol

The UM sheath material is not transparent at all though and the ePro tips are.


Yeah, I had that sensation too, that’s why I rec’d them. Now I need that ep01 :joy:

Looking for triple flange on amz jp. @Rikudou_Goku?

No clue about double/triple flange tips tbh.

Lol, I should stop looking at the forums, or I will buy every single eartips you guys are recommending

My brain is saying to my fingers



Any of you tried BGVP tips? On Mele I settled with Y01 tip, it opens highs a bit

Here’s versus CP145 although size is different, Y01 is M while CP145 is L

Well, luckily they arent THAT expensive…although it sure adds up…


Any opinions on Kbear 07 or accustune tips?

Dont like them (AET07/08)

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I have BGVP 07/08 and E series… They’re nice but silicone is not that sticky as original Spinfits

Good to know, removed.

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No BGVP on amz jp

No, they’re on Ali

About to order

EP01 M/L
CP145 L
CP155 L

Any other rec?

Elecom EHP-CAP20 & Radius Deep Mount, thats it.

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Have a lot of those, love them :slight_smile:

So no worth to grt sedna light?

Try BGVP W01 (wide bores). I think BGVP E01 tips are SF CP100 copycat.