Do you mean this?
Single BA, probably meh…
Do you mean this?
Single BA, probably meh…
haha yep, with what etymotic can do one can only hope.
I’m tempted by some very affordable (relative to original cost) Final Audio B2’s that show up in classifieds. But however well they’ve managed to tune a single BA I can’t see it matching the technicalities of sets that are… well, cheaper… that use different tech.
There’s no way one BA can do it all even tuning-wise (elevated sub-bass, full mids, treble air). From my brief time with the Legacy 2, even the single DD single BA combos was struggling to pull of the excellent tuning target.
Still the comfort and class of the Final B series shells are enticing in their own right.
I also saw those deals popup, but seriously dont get it. Even if you dont get hit by their zero QC channel matching problems.
That upper-treble is non-existent…
JVC HA-FW03 has a similar tuning but looks better (single wooden DD, around 150 usd).
Yes, single BAs are a serious bottleneck on the technicalities.
Oof - good point about treble, and you’re right that the FW03 makes a very close yet better comparison.
I just really love the shells, I guess!
2021-12-18: Sony MDR-EX1000 cheaper alternative:
Take the Sony MDR-EX800ST, remove the foam and the plastic “disk” inside the nozzle and you have the EX1000.
(FYI: This is a risky mod since you are likely to ruin the plastic disk or/and the foam!)
Bass: a bit tighter/faster and more textured on the EX1000, but nearly identical.
Mids: Very similar tonality, but a bit cleaner and more detailed on the EX1000.
Treble: a bit cleaner and more detailed on the EX1000 but peakier and more fatiguing, slightly warmer on the EX800ST.
Soundstage is a bit wider and airier on the EX800ST. Imaging and separation are identical. Detail is a bit better on the EX1000.
Conclusion: After removing the foam (and the plastic “disk”) in the EX800ST, they are extremely similar, the biggest difference is that the EX800ST has an airier and a bit wider soundstage, while the EX1000 seems to have more detail (COULD be because of the brighter tonality, they are that close…). If you are using PEQ, they both respond similar to it and you also have the possibility of blocking (tape or blutack) the vent on the EX800ST to turn it into a basshead iem.
TLDR: Get the EX800ST remove the foam and you have the EX1000.
(You can add some regular mesh filters to protect it against dust/wax since otherwise nothing is blocking the way. )
@Rikudou_Goku I must say, I believe you are the only big reviewer out there who has both a rank for how a IEM comes stock and how they sound after modding, and that makes you very unique imo. Gave me a new outlook on a couple of sets, and honestly, before reading your reviews I did not even know or consider one could tweak IEMs at all, and how many ways there are (Tip Rolling, Vent Taping, using filters, foam etc.).
Just a random thought that crossed my mind reading this thread.
Yeah, while I get why some wants to just review them out of the box. When some only need a minor or easy fix, I believe you should do it, especially if its saves you money.
Heck, in the case of the mod above your post. You literally save hundreds of dollars.
(new units of EX800ST is around 200 usd, EX1000 is at least 300, usually at 400-500 usd.)
2021-12-19: KZ ZEX Pro/KZ x Crinacle CRN: KZ ZEX Pro/KZ x Crinacle CRN - Reviews | Headphone Reviews and Discussion -
Stock rank: D+
PEQ rank: A-
Unusual tuning for KZ, but the 8k peak is a big bottleneck. It is kind of of a “default win” for them though, since there is nothing else like this in this price range. (And PEQ fixes most of the issues I have with it.)
Here is the preset:
Peak: 4200hz, Q: 2, gain: -3db
Peak: 7000hz, Q: 5, gain: -3db
Peak: 8000hz, Q: 3, gain: -5db
High-shelf: 11 000hz, Q: 0.7, gain: 3db
@Rikudou_Goku thought you’d laugh at this, new t-force yuan li version is using the dark souls logo, from the hifigo discord after asking about it
Saw that version on their facebook.
idm them ripping off their logo i just wanted to know if it was an official collab or not, huge ds fan and would 100% buy an official dark souls iem
really hard to find info on, + the way the hifigo mod responded makes me thing they’re aware of the situation
messaged them on fb i’ll see what the response is
Riku, do you have plans for Tin P1 Plus?.
I’m put off by Timeless’ qc issues and lack of holographics; no interest in that set. But I’m highly interested to see someone do a comparison between P1 Plus vs Shuoer (Letshuoer…) S12 in the near future.
Have you considered Tri I3 Pro?
No I haven’t heard of it before, will check it.
Mostly I just like to hear what others say and compare new tech tho lol