RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

lol, forgot about that one already. But yeah, it is an option at the same price range…if @haza is in the US that is…

DAPs baby! Not just how functional they are, but for iems DAPs are the way to go. Even on my extremely sensitive Andros they have phenomenal volume steps and no noise floor.

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IMO if you want better value, portable amps are probably better than daps. You can get them cheaper, no lag because you are using the smartphone CPU/software and it is also easier to upgrade if you want.

I still havent tried portable amps though, but the Hidizs DH80S is on the way to me. This is based on my experience with 2 mid-tier daps, being the M11 and the DX160 and both of them havent really pleased me in the way the price I paid should imply…

Thanks for the suggestions! Yes I’m in the US so I’ll look into the iemagni as well as the iematch. Cheers!

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The PD1 might be the IEM I pull the trigger on next tho. I’m very interested in that product. I do not prefer IEMs with nozzle filters to alter FR.

Agreed. I like this Fiio Q5s. I can take it back and forth to work and it will drive my sensitive IEMs and my difficult to drive full size headphones.


@Rikudou_Goku is there a size chart for the Elecom CAP20 tips?
I need a 12mm or 11.5mm,
the same as thr Final E size M,

Not as far as I know. Not even their own site has it: Spare ear cap - EHP-CAP20MBK

All I know is that I am using the L size from them while I use the LL (L also works) for the type E tips.

So I guess the M size should work for you.

My cables finally arrived!

Looks like they got a new case with their logo on.

Cable A24, looks and feels like cable A6 but is almost half the price. Unfortunately it does not measure as good being at 0.27 ohms but still recommended due to the low price and high build quality.

Sure looks similar right? A24 is only a bit more silverish, while A6 is whiter. (A6 on top and A24 on bottom.)

Well, do I have to say something? I am sure that the pictures already made you take out your wallet. :joy:
But to help you with that, this costed me 20 usd and it measures at 0.13ohms. So yes, it looks like cable A1 has been beaten.
This is Cable A25, a custom cable with 2 gold/copper wires + 1 sterling silver (pure silver) so its a 6 core cable.

Another version of cable A25, but with 1 gold/copper wire + 2 sterling silver wires. Unfortunately this measures quite a lot worse than the other version. Being at 0.37ohms instead. Which means this isnt a A series, instead it joins the B series as cable B8

Neither the A25 or the B8 have been listed for sale. But I will tell him that he should list cable A25, its an epic cable for sure.


When will A25 be available to purchase?

He told me that if someone wants to buy it he will make it and list it. So I guess that the more people wanting to buy it, the higher the chance he will actually have a proper listing for it.

Cable A1 vs A25

Which one do you prefer? both are gorgeous in my eyes. But the A25 has an edge for me (probably because it looks more unique but with the colors and the setup being a 6 core config).

If you didnt know, my inspiration for these 2 cables come from CEMA.


Looks like 99% the same but are almost 10x cheaper!

Lets be honest here… an IEM cable is basically a fashion accessory. With that in mind I would actually prefer the new A25, because it is generally more color-wise “compatible”. But both look really good tbh.

Yup, indeed they are. Its just a big bonus point that they all measure that low so they are also considered objectively good as well. :joy:


Finally decided to pull the trigger on the Mangird Tea, lets see if it lives up to the hype!
Almost decided to go with the Thie Oracle instead, but it is double the price and apparently it is not THAT much better than the Teas…
Anyways, will post some impressions as soon as the Tea arrives


So just to have something cheap that I could use to plug in and make phone calls, I picked up the E1000C and the E3000C (Final Audio). Even with the tape mod, I’m pretty sure I still prefer the E3000 over the E1000 for sound signature in terms of listening to music and such, but unfortunately there’s a decent amount of noise floor on the in-cable microphone with both.

To be fair, I’ve asked people I’ve spoken to on the phone and no one has complained about it, but if I record myself and listen back to the recording, I can hear it pretty clearly. So that’s unfortunate, but I dunno, I’ll probably still use them for the time being.

I am not an expert in mics, but you might want to consider getting something like the Qudelix 5k. That way you get a mic along with a powerful amp + PEQ.

So I do own a BTR5 and an XD-05 Plus, both of which have microphones in them! But if I’m going to be holding a amp/dac up to my face, I kinda may as well just hold the phone itself up to my face, lol. (This isn’t /exactly/ true, the isolation from the IEM still makes it easier to hear the person on the other end, but yeah.)

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Interesting. Is the btr5 unable to pickup your voice if you have it attached to your shirt?

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I honestly hadn’t thought of that! I usually carry the BTR5 in my pocket, so the plastic clip case is still in the box since I’ve never used it. Maybe I’ll give that a try.

lol, if you got it in a pocket like that. Why get the BTR5 instead of a regular portable amp? :joy: