RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

It was just part of the progression, I guess! So I bought the BTR5 as my first portable amp, then I upgraded to the XD-05 Plus, and honestly, I’d probably be ready to move up from the XD-05 some time soon for something with better technicalities. Not sure what I’d want to move up to just yet though.

ok, that explains it I guess.

But try the BTR5 when it is attached to your shirt and see how it goes. If the mic on that one is bad, then I guess I cant recommend it for people wanting a mic.

Haven’t had much complaints when I call with the btr5, except my gf but she’s pretty deaf tbh. I like it for calling, I always have the clip attached even though I usually have it lying on my desk and connected to my laptop.


Hi, can anyone confirm for me that this is the Final Type E eartips newest model? Bought from a local seller

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yes, that is the clear version, I have it as well,
if you need more bass, get the black version,

I have those exact tips, But they are from bgvp.

One of the best ear tips to have right now imo, and the exact reason why I ordered the Final Audio E1000 since it was on sale and also I need its tips.

Hidizs S9, it has plenty of power for IEM’s and excellent SNR

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Don’t think I can use that with my audio interface but seems like a good option it I ever need an affordable portable dac amp!

For my current needs I think the IEMagni is going to be the best choice atm

Well, there is a Devin Townsend plugin coming to Neural in near future…
So… Anyone looking for a kidney?

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Cable is basically tailor made for the Neon, very lightweight and has good build quality. Although the chin slider doesnt work and I was not able to get a read on the resistance due to the recessed pins.

Resin build and is very lightweight as well. There is pressure build up due to it having no vents, but it is a lot better than most BA iems, most likely thanks to the bullet shape/size.

As for sound, well. It doesnt offend me and seems well tuned. Thats it for my teaser. But here are some graphs.

Yeah…not very good channel matching which along with the missing tips in my unit doesnt give me much confidence in their QC…

Since I wasnt able to measure the stock cable, I tried seeing if there was any FR changes in using a low resistance cable (A3) and well. Basically no changes. Which is very impressive so I do believe most people wont have to worry about it being source picky due to OI.


@Rikudou_Goku , which foams are you using with Yincrow X6? I saw there are two different types provided, one with hole punched in the middle and one full foam

I am using the full foams (with basically all my buds).

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Good to know, thank you! Are all the same or there are different types just like tips for iems?

Most stock ones are very similar. But there are some that are denser than average or more porous than normal.

More porous = more treble (but also less durable and they can tear a lot easier)

In my experience, the average full foams works the best for me. So no need to get more foams than the included ones. (IMO)

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Awesome, thank you

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Hope you enjoy the X6. An epic bud for me regardless of price and everyone should have it! ( :wink: @Resolution )

Oh no! Not again!

Must… fight… urge… to obey!

Seriously, as for ear buds, they don’t hold in my ears well. They usually fall right out. I had Fiio’s flagship buds and I couldn’t keep them in my ears. They went back. I just use over-ears instead. Maybe I’m not wearing them properly?


Might be because you arent wearing them correctly and/or because that particular bud shape didnt fit you well.

IMO, MX500 seems to be the most versatile fit in terms of fitting as many people as possible.

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First time I’m wearing earbuds since childhood… Not even sure anymore how to wear them, I just gently hooked them :smiley:
Bass is definitely very present in these lol

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