RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

So the Sennheiser IE300 is here, and holy crap they are the smallest, lighter most comfortable IEMs i have ever tried.

I only heard them for 30 minutes but my initial impressions are:

Just perfect, this is the first IEM i will not EQ with a bass boost, mind you i apply a +5dB low shelf on the Mangird Teas which means i like bass more than the average person. If you don’t like a very present bass on your IEMs stay away from these.

Super smooth, not too recessed, so far all vocals sounded very natural

I am not treble sensitive at all but this are borderline too hot for me, i will give them more time and see how it goes but from what i saw in the frequency response graphs they may need a -2dB around 7K and another one around 9K.

So far i LOVE how they sound, i don’t think i liked an IEM right in the first 10 minutes like this before, and i was sure i was going to return them to Amazon because they would not live up to the hype, oh my poor wallet :frowning:

Now one thing to notice, every reviewer i saw complained they could not get a seal with the stock tips, and it was not different for me, don’t know what Sennheiser was thinking when they decided to use these weird tips, they will just not seal in anyone’s ears!

I will report back after a few days, but if you are curious and you don’t mind a bit extra bass in your music you should give these a try!


I read those, I just don’t know if they support your original claim that “cables won’t improve the sound”. For one, if it has different measurement and it makes a sensitive BA IEM sound better to your ears, wouldn’t that defeat your original statement?

lol so i cannot agree to what others say? Give me a break, or don’t suit yourself…

Those are very rare cases but yes in those cases, cables with different cable resistances do matter in the sound. But it has nothing to do with these gold, palladium or graphene coated cables.

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I very much dont want a single product totl iem, because I like variety. As for the number, yes 76 is indeed too many iems and it is an addiction at this point I wont deny that.

As for the rest, I will ask you to refrain from direct insults. That is all.


Agree with whatever you like, just not sure if you truly meant that you don’t wanna escalate it into another cable war.

Yeah I gotcha. Direct insults are not cool but passive insults like saying that someone’s opinion is just wrong and discrediting their listening abilities is totally OK gotcha.

I would argue that a passive insult like yours are way more disrespectful, rude and hurtful than any direct insult
This is my problem with passive agressive people, as soon as someone says something that they don’t like they want out. But love talking shit about others opinions when they are involved OK


At this point continue discussion in PM if you guys still feel the need on the cable stuff? This has kinda gotten quite far off topic and somewhat unproductive since it’s more just a pissing contest rather than a discussion at this point. One of those things that it’s just better to disagree and move on


This is what I get when I try saving people money I guess.

Wont reply to this topic anymore, just drop it. Go to head-fi´s penon thread if you want to talk about cables affecting sound.


OK yeah because talking about which 30 dollar iem is the best is suuuuuper productive

Consider what thread this is, and what it’s topic is supposed to be. So it very likely pertains a whole lot more to the thread than the discussion at this point. Again, neither side is going to listen to each other, so it’s just somewhat namecalling


wow, just… wow


Whatever i had my fun. I’ll take a leave instead of wasting my time with these graph peeps

LOL!!! Talk about passive aggressive! hahahahaha


Yeah right? HAHAHAHA it’s hilarious join in when it’s over but aren’t interested I arguing when it’s going on

Well regardless of all this, would have been interesting to see you answer some of the questions other people asked instead of dodging them @luizgarcia. And @Jose_G that was uncalled for. But yes back to the actual thread


I live for uncalled for moments. If these guys love discrediting other people’s opinions but can’t take it when someone discredits them that’s their own fault

Then they call a mod because they want it to stop

I have never seen LCR measurements when it comes to cables. Mostly because LCR-meters are expensive pieces of specialised test gear.

And a cable that has lower impedance at certain frequencies will certainly shave off a dB or two here or there.

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If you are interested in looking at the measurements look at audio science reviews, Amir has an article about this with all the measurements, i just don’t have the link handy to paste here…

Oh no, i mentioned Amir, the forbidden name, here we go with another 2 hours of ranting!!! LOL

If one of my threads turned into this, I’d want it to stop as well lol. Typically like to let people resolve things on their own but at this point I don’t really see that happening