RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

You said it, if they chose to properly represent their viewpoints instead of discrediting others it would have not ended up like this. He’s mad because his thread got derailed? I’m more mad because our forum has reached the state its in with graphs being the end all be all. If someone disagrees with you all you need to do is say that they are just wrong. If you take part of an argument you don’t finish it when you should have probably just not taken part in it since the beginning


Amir just threw money at an expensive measuring machine. The “higher number = better” assumption is bad and Amir needs to buy himself an electronics basics book.

To elaborate:
When you take a measurement, you have expectations of what the number you get will be range wise. You also have a purpose for said measurement. Just gathering numbers for the sake of having numbers is a waste of time.
There also needs to be a “acceptable” and “unacceptable” dividing line.


As far as i know he is a well respected engeneer, but again, he has the measurements if you want to look at those.

This is just nother, wow, just… wow moment to me, lol

Hey @Rikudou_Goku , sorry this happened to your thread man. Like religion and politics, cables are a subject to be avoided in this hobby… Something like this happen everywhere this subject comes to light…

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Yeah I am aware of that…

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And weren’t you basically the one that brought it up in the first place? Sure @Rikudou_Goku mentioned it first, but you are kinda asking for people to jump on it with this one. This seems more like trying to invite discussion rather than dissuade it


I mean, somebody asked him which cable to buy for a better sound and he said cables dont affect sound, i just agreed with him and then a conversation started to develop which i attempted to put an end to without success. And now i am being blamed of not followig thru with the conversation?! LOL

Anyways, i appologize for this mess, i did not start it but i participated on it, this is not the first time i see it happening and i should know better, but i think this would happen even if i was not involved since i was not the one who originally stated cables dont affect sound (which i fully agree).


Did you really attempt to put it to an end? You know full well why you’re being blamed.

Btw, apology accepted.

I honestly dont know, that guy was giving me no reason at all to continue that conversation with all of his “i dont care this, i dont care that”.

It was my judgement to stop replying and i stand by it.

Sure, but you don’t have to try and make statements against those who have them in the process, as that’s very likely to cause conflicts. There’s ways to agree without being passive aggressive against the opposite side (although that is more something with later posts rather than this one)

Yes these conversations are inevitable at some point, and neither side will agree on almost anything, but that doesn’t mean that everyone can’t be respectful during these discussions (again, goes for both sides, multiple people being blamed here)


I dont think i was disrespectful at all, i even explicitly wrote i meant no disrespect in 2 or 3 of the posts i thought could lead to that, if you read them all again you will find the posts i am refering to.

There is only so much one can do to prevent others from feeling disrespected…

LMAO @Rikudou_Goku I tried to drive the conversation off the cables man, sorry that ish blew up this morning. I will be getting a very good multi meter soon so I can start up some measurements for my IEM cables too. I want to start testing with various impedance cables since I for sure know an impedance plug works for changing audio characteristics. Should be fun! :smiley: I already have a db meter too so maybe I can get even fancier LOL.

@Jose_G I can talk to you more in DMs, but as an education piece the cable is the signal transmission line. All other factors have to be taken into account before testing can be done on audible difference with different materials in the cables. Meaning the 2 cables you are comparing have to be the same resistance or one may be louder than the other due to less signal loss in transmission. The loudness factor and how impedance can change frequency response on a transducer are likely to cause any noted differences unless those 2 factors are removed. Then we can start discussing manufacturing and solder and all the other bits. Its super complex for testing that can be considered objective or approaching objectivity.


Which one are you getting?

I know paul and I dont exactly use the most accurate one, but its good to have consistency at this point.

(We use the aneng 8008)

Well my father is an industrial electrician and he was suggesting I use the brand Fluke, so I was looking at a Fluke 117 personally. I have not done much research into it though.

For sure. You and I go way back, and get along lol

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yeah, thats a lot more expensive than the Aneng 8008 lol.

IMO, I think its better if more people use the same multimeter, that way we can have consistent measurements. Because comparing different cables measured on different multimeters is like comparing graphs on different setups (like comparing IEC711 graphs with a dayton audio imm-6 mic).

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Well I can have 2 multis I don’t mind :slight_smile: I’ll try to help the community on that stuff.


Jeesh, you spending an evening away from the forum and come back to this mess. I think I’ll keep my two cents tucked away real safe. My ears are pretty sheit which is actually also a good thing; I don’t need to spend money on expensive cables, DACs, AMPs or FLAC files regardless of whether they change anything, I won’t hear it anyway lol.
Any interesting new gear coming up @Rikudou_Goku ?


Absolutely. I do them all the time. That’s how I end up with my conclusions. Battle Royal!

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