RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Theres a good way to help the pissing contest end.

Jose_G gets to have his fun but I can’t? I think I can win this one…

Damnit, I knew I shouldn’t have gone outside and had a life today! Instead, I should have stayed in front of my computer and “had fun” @HiFi Guides waging war over expensive cables, cheap IEMs and attempting to make others feel inferior of my greatness, even though I couldn’t make it through college.

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@j.fopps Hey, bro! Let’s get our own pissing contest going!

What do you wanna fight over? I’ll start… If you don’t own an IEM more expensive than the Odin, I’m automatically kewler than you are and everything you say has no bearing. You go!

Now, speaking seriously @M0N , I feel most of these posts can be eliminated for respect for this thread and its OP?

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Sorry, I won’t partake in the nonsense.

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If tips touch its a fight to the death…

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If the tips touch, I’m killing myself.

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That’s the fight to the death, a fight to see who can die the fastest.


I found out earlier today that my local audio store is putting up orders for the Variations and I was surprised that it’s within my budget range if I were to go for an upgrade from my current FD5. All I have to do is wait for another 2 or 3 months to save up if I were to get it hahaha.

From the looks of it, while I’m not a bass-y person, I’m quite comfortable with the FH3, FD5, and the late Starfield. The Variations will hear no complain from me either on the bass side. The midrange is where that’s interesting for me. While I like the FD5 with it’s natural sounding overall, I always felt the vocals could do a lil bit better and that’s where the FH3 saves it for me sometimes when I needed to listen something more forward-vocal. Variations might be the iem for me just by looking at the graph alone.

Variations seems to have my attention now since it’s possible to get within my budget. Since I have demo-ed the B2 several times previously, the fitting will be okay from my end.

I was interested in the LZ A7 after being recommended, but because my local audio store won’t be bringing it in after inquiring and I prefer having local warranty over anything else, I’ll have to look for another iem that’s within range. I had multiple bad problems of having to send items back overseas was such a bad hassle in the past, so I didn’t want to experience that anymore in the meantime. =/

I have these on the way (all self bought btw)

Faaeal Iris CE grey version
Faaeal Iris 2.0
Faaeal Iris Ancestor

GS Audio GD3A
GS Audio GD11

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Was pondering with this one vs. SD3. Latter is bit more expensive (“High Performance Series”, I like high performance yay). Nobody knows yet whether/how it’s better/different, right?

nope, no clue so far.

But there are some people thinking that the high performance series is them only using Sonion and knowles driver. While the high competitive series is them using sonion and bellsing drivers to save on cost.

(IMO, as long as they tune them well it doesnt matter if its bellsing or knowles…as evident by the fact that no one knew Campfire Audio was using bellsing on their Solaris. (although it sure doesnt look good for their reputation to use a “chinese copy” in something as expensive as the solaris))


My K’s LBBS just arrived yesterday. More sparkly in the treble region than Iris CE. Maybe slightly less bass extension. I have yet to really play around with foams. Impressions of both are without foams for now

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Buds dont work for me without foam lol.

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I have to figure out how to get them on without ripping them LOL. I would put doughnut on the Iris CE and full on the LBBS

Donut foams are a pain in the ass to put on…

Full foams is easier though, just “stretch” it a bit before putting it on (be careful not to rip it) then try putting it on slowly. The more you stretch it, the easier it gets. If it doesnt work, keep on stretching it before putting it on, rinse and repeat until it works.


The method i use with foam is rolling them between my fingers for a few seconds. The heat generated soften them, and I insert them before they expand back.

I may try you’re method, though, since it may be easier/quicker to get ready.

Yeah I think its quite easy with my method.



Do it! Mine are in-transit.
