RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

I don’t know what country your in but hopefully something from this page will help

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I buy them here… Very fast shipping to my address.

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I think you need to get them through amazon japan in the end…you can also check amazon de/uk (if you are in eu). But you still need to pay shipping and in eu, final iems are quite overpriced…

Also, just a warning. I fell in love with the Type E´s as well and ended up getting the entire E series. I wont stop you from going through the same route, but I would only get the E500, E1000 and E3000. The rest are overpriced…


Should I get the e1000? I thought it would be too similar to the e500 since they were both neutral tuned.

My own E500 had massive channel imbalance so I usually rec the E1000 over it…

Then again, you can also mod it like this:

Which ends up being better than the E3000 IMO.

I guess that is the second pair of IEMs that I just lucked out on and didn’t get the same channel imbalance that you did (kbears Neon was the other). I am currently using my e500s with my quest headset since they are so ridiculously comfortable and light. Still need to work out a slightly better cable management system for them though.

E500 should be pretty much unrivaled for VR though.

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What kills the deal for me is most of the stores are in the US and shipping to Canada costs more than the tips! lol


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I feel the Final E tips are way too hard to purchase. They are very popular, why doesn’t Final see to it they sell them in more places? There are multiple stores that carry Final products (though not the 500 and 1000), I just want to buy 2 or 3 pairs of medium sized type E’s for f*ck’s sake.


lol, right?!?!

They seem to always be sold out on amazon japan, guess demand is higher than supply.

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Yep, just checked amazon japan right now and they are out of stock again, they only have the Type A tips

You could try the Sony hybrids (EP-EX11) instead, those are cheaper but still pretty close to the Type E´s for me.

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Sorry to hear that amazon USA pretty much almost always has them in stock with prime shipping. Though AliExpress shipping to the USA sucks.

They arent on ali anyway and if they are, they are likely to be fake (like with those sony tips).


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Thanks, these EX11 are dirty cheap! I will get some of these and give them a try.

I may also try some different Azlas, i got the Xelastics and i am just unable to use them at all, none work for me…

On Linsoul as well, I saw the on amazon de once, but they were lik €35.
I have the ex-10a, they are good for sound, but a very different fit, the Sony’s are way more shallow.

Budget Type E is what I call them.

I would try the Radius Deep mount tips, I like them a lot more than the Azla and jvc tips.

Yeah, they do fit a bit differently, a lot softer and also shallower.


I like my xelastec tips, but I can fully understand why a lot of people would not find them comfortable.

I am still looking for a seller of the radius deep mounts that is not eBay.

Oh i have these as well, they are my second best after the Final Type E

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