RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)


Amazon japan: Amazon.co.jp

And while you are at it, get the Elecom EHP-CAP20: https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B00SCDV9UC
(be aware that the white, multipack version is the CAP10 version, a different tip entirely.)

I actually dont like them in comfort…

I much prefer Spinfit tips and they are easily ordered on Amazon.

I know @Rikudou_Goku doesn’t like them as much as I do, but what does he know?

We all got different ears, tips are highly personal lol.

But that is why it looks like @luizgarcia seems to have similar ears to me, since he likes both the type e and deep mount like I do.

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Yep i have Spinfits (100 and 145) and they are ok, i also have a few wide bore such as the JVC Spiral dots and some others but the ones which really work for me are the ones i can get a deeper insertion, so the Type E and Radius work the best.

They also come in more varied sizes (SS, S, SM, M, etc), so it is easier to find one which will fit perfectly

Also, if you like spinfits, maybe you want the new CP100+ (or maybe you already got them lol): https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/gp/product/B08Z737MCR

I know. I’m just having fun. I wish more tips would seal for me but they just don’t. I’m always trying different tips with different IEMs. Sometimes I get lucky and they’ll seal and I’ll have a great night. I’ll pop them back in my ears the next night and they’ll fall right out.

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I find the Azla xelastec tips to be a god send for heavier IEMs and finals to just be a good standard for almost everything else… well besides Etymotic, but everything they do has to be a bit of a hassle hurdle (still love them enough to jump through the hoops though)

I got them with the DUNU EST 112 but I haven’t been able to order them by themselves. Hold on, I gotta go order something. :wink: THANKS!!!

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oh wait, are the Spinfits from the EST112 the CP100+?

My ears tend to wiggle on their own, and this especially happens when i listen to music. The spinfit cp100 ear tips tickle me every time my ears wiggle.

Don’t know if it’s the fit, the size, or their silicone, but i found that distracting.

As of right now I use Dekoni plugs mostly for comfort. I curious about these Final Audio E-tips, because I’m treble sensitive.

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Type E are great for us treble sensitive. :+1:


Read this if you want to know more about spinfits:

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Go for it man, the Type E tips are the best investment i made for my IEMs, by far. They may not be ideal for your ears, but if they are then you are in for a treat


Don’t use the xelastec on IEMs that are close to the edge for your treble sensitivity, the TPU or whatever it is doesn’t do a ton to treble but it dose some.

It also might just be the bore size of the tips more then the material or both.

Wide bore tips = more treble

so yeah, definitely avoid the xelastec, along with the jvc (spiral dot series), azla (sedna earfit) and radius deep mount.

These colors do not match up with the older CP100 Spinfits. Previously, white did not exist.

Tips from the DUNU EST 112…

Here’s a picture of Spinfit CP 145, 100 and double flange.

White is now large, yellow is medium and red is small. Used to be Yellow was large, and red was medium.


Looks like the yellow is the L size and the red is M, but not sure about the white one…

I really need to fill out my spin fit collection… I like collecting tips.

Ha! Look at what i found! This would convert to CAD$22

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