RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)


oh, looks like I just randomly stumbled across a new azla tips lol.

“SednaEarfit Crystal uses the finest German premium LSR (liquid silicone rubber) which has been developed to achieve compression ZERO design after extensive research and extensive prototypes and tests. This premium LSR made in Germany is a synthetic and elastic polymer with unique properties such as good heat resistance, oxidation resistance, surface tension and low temperature flexibility and good dielectric properties. Dense but soft, low strain on your ears even for long periods of time, good friction resistance and holding force, hypoallergenic against itching and allergies, and excellent durability”

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Sounds interesting. BTW, the sednaEarfit in your list are they the regular or the softs? I have the regular in M and ML and besides being huge, they are pretty damn stiff, can’t really wear them tbh.

They have those on the US amazon, but only the short stem TWS ones.

I got all 4 versions lol, tbh, its only a comfort difference rather than sound. So I didnt bother having all 4 since the ratings would be identical…

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I added them in my cart lol, weird that no one seems to have noticed them before…even on head-fi…

I haven’t tried the crystals, but honestly I only really like their xelastec line, there other line is fine, but not worth what they charge for pretty middle of the line tips.

yeah, the sedna are pretty overpriced…nothing really special about them besides being an option for people with very large ear canals.

But this crystal…looks interesting, no clue what “liquid silicone rubber” is though.

The TWS ones are made for Apple EarPods so it is probably heresy on the head-ifi forums to speak of them.

They got normal versions as well

Not on their US listings, only Japan probably.

BTW I do whole heartedly agree with your symbio W rankings… well maybe you are slightly more charitable then I would have been.

If you want a silicone/foam hybrid, just get the Sony EP-TC50

Probably gonna pass on that one the only reason I wanted to like the symbio is that I don’t like the feeling of foam in my ears and was hoping to get some of the sound properties of foams while still having silicone touching my ears.

Thats what the TC50 is like. But silicone master race anyway. :wink:

It looked like the silicone was on the inside and the foam was covering it.

Silicone is inside, but the material on the outside doesnt feel much like foams. More like a hybrid material between foam and silicone to me.

I guess I will add it to the list of tips to collect and try.

I already asked this in another thread, but I figured I should post here since it’s more active:

How does the Moondrop Aria compare to Thiaudio L2? I’m looking for a Blon BL-03 comfort & sound upgrade. I’m also willing to tip-roll to achieve my preferences (i’m treble sensitive).

L2 looks like it would suit you more. Although I dont know if the L2 is incoherent or not and if it bothers you.

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The aria sounds really different to the BL-03. The treble may or may not be fine for you depending on where you are sensitive in that range. I like moondrops tuning of the aria but I tend to have issues in the 8k ish range.

I also seem to have less issues with my sensitivity when it comes to DD treble, but BA can get really bad.

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@TkSilver @Rikudou_Goku thank you both. I’ll start with the L2, and if something sounds off, I’ll tip roll with those Final Audio tips.

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