RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Dont worry. :+1:

Maybe the different resistance causes some FR changes?

Well as expected:
Stock cable 00.8 ohms
Kbear Rhyme: 01.9 ohms

I always believed that resistance was the major factor affecting sound “quality” changes in cables and i was sure that when i finally found a cable that would sound noticeable different, then the impedance would also be different, now i got proof.

I have no idea how resistance can affect frequency response, not even sure it does but it definitely changes something, very interesting…

EDIT: @Rikudou_Goku i just saw your Rhyme measured 0.23 ohms, maybe this is a difference between the multimeters used?

Not sure what happened with your measurement, but my rhyme (A7) measures at 0.23 ohms.
Could be because your is inaccurate of something went wrong.

It depends on the iem and its drivers, some are very sensitive to changes.

While some arent


I have a cheap multimeter though, that may be the cause of the difference. But still it was possible to measure a significant difference between the two cables.

I mean, my own multimeter is a chi-meter that costs around 10 usd lol.

The main point is that you get different resistances between the 2 cables measured on the exact same setup. So I wouldnt worry about accuracy that much…

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Yep exactly, i just wished i understand how resistance affects FR.

That I have no clue about lol.

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When measuring resistance in cable, doing so under DC (as most multimeters do) will only tell you if the cable fundamentally works.
To look into differences in the context of audio cables, you want an LCR meter (preferably one that can sweep from 20Hz to 20kHz).

Mine is in the “reasonable” price class and only 2%+3 accurate in the less than 400 Ohm setting. And even with that, I can only verify a cable doesn’t have breaks in it.
Brymen BM786 and Fluke FL110 are the lowest tier multimeter I would trust on low resistance measurements.

In other words: The numbers are meaningless

For more reading material on DMM accuracy:




I would not say they are meaningless since i was able to reliably get different measurements from both cables (tried multiple times with same results), the exact resistance is probably not accurate but there is clearly a difference in impedance between one cable and the other which is all i was trying to figure out.

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Hahaha, they look unstable but they are really ok imo.

Nice setup btw, how do you like the RebelAmp compared to the iFi?


From my local e-commerce store shopee if you live around southeast asia.


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Its on amazon japan: Amazon.co.jp: SpinFit CP100+ IEM Eartips with Medical Silicone (2 Pair Large) : Electronics

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The issue that I see is, even though it does show different readings, the differences between them are within the margin of error of the meter you are using.


They got me after the third song on my test tracks :bangbang:

The way in which these earphones make voices stand out so clearly, precisely and without any effort is inspiring :+1:



They are in my ears right now. They fit! Testing the new Spinfits CP 100+ Medium. They’ve been in my ears ever since I sat down to do the retouching on the Variations and I haven’t needed to adjust them once. Poor things wanted to cry getting squeezed onto those huge variation nozzles.

Not sure if it’s all my new source gear or the Variations, but I thought I’d press play on an album I love but it’s extremely congested and I do not critically listen to it for judging equipment because of that fact, but Variations is playing it with clarity, punch and dynamics. I have lots more critical listening to do, but Variations is already reaching for my top spot in my collection.


:laughing: :+1:

That’s right, I also had the problem :pinching_hand: :ok_hand:

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