RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

I see.

It looks like that area is filled with resin, because that area is a bit different than the rest. (or it could be placebo lol, its very very minor if any difference).

This is using a 24x macro lens though


Holy moly! Detail galore! And that’s through plastic.


I’m thinking CP100+ is nice to have in addition to the regular CP100 since the sizes almost feel in-between the existing CP100 (a tiny bit smaller), but in general, the CP100+ might actually be a bit too soft (collapsible). I haven’t noticed any difference in irritation to the material either. I think CP100 is still my go-to.

How soft is it? Softer than the JVC sprial dots++ (if you have them)?

Yeah, I have Spiral dots. Much softer actually. I’ll take a photo. Wait for edit…

EDIT, is it just me or is the CP100+ ever so slightly smaller than CP100?

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The ++ version? Those are a LOT softer than the regular spiral dots.

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Sigh… I didn’t know there was a ++ version. I can’t keep up with all these different versions of tips!


lol, dont worry. Personally I find the ++ to be too soft.

ARGH. I guess my ears require “soft” so I probably should give them a shot. As hopefully you can see from the photo, the Spinfit material is quite soft and thin. Much more so than the other black tips. I don;t know why but the other tips don’t seal in my ears for whatever reason. Final E tips can work at times for me, but usually don’t get me a 100% complete seal. If they do and I have them in my ears, I sit as still as possible and try not to move. But I ask you, is that any way to live?

lol, guess you can try them then. They are pretty expensive but they do feel pretty unique so it is worth having it (especially for tip collectors).

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I wouldn’t fit that category would I?

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You are the definition of a tip collector lol.


Oh shit! Looks like Xenns Up is being delivered today. Way ahead of schedule. After this I am done. Well… That is unless you give that green IEM a raving review. lol


GS Audio GD3A Impressions:

First off, it is a hybrid and yet ventless. So, if you are sensitive to pressure build-up, you might want to skip this.

Bass: Speed (both attack and decay) and tightness are actually pretty similar to BA bass but with DD texture. So, it is very clean despite having pretty elevated bass but it does help that it is sub-bass focused as well. Extension is a bit lacking though for a DD but there is rumble when the track calls for it.

Mids: Well, balanced between both male and female vocals. Although shines more with female vocals due to the tonality leaning a bit more towards brightness and note-weight is also a bit thinner so it suits female vocals more. Both male and female vocals are a bit recessed though.

Treble: Very airy and detailed (both micro and macro) treble, but it can have too much (5k) on some tracks.

Technicalities: Just a teaser, but the soundstage is HUGE.

Overall: Very impressed by it so far. There might be….some casualties because of this. :joy:


Yes the price of the ++ is insane, but for me personally, that soft material is end-game when it comes to comfort. The other problem besides the price is they fall off narrow nozzles even easier than the regular Spiral Dots, though.


Thank you. You just completely destroyed it for me.

I have to have proper venting especially in a hybrid. That’s a complete deal breaker.

Thanks for your impressions. I gotta give it a try then. Getting the right tips and comfort are a huge deall for me. At least Spinfits get me there. Can’t hurt to see if there’s anything out there that might be an improvement in sound or comfort. In general, I’d just be excited for a proper seal in a tip that isn’t Spinfit. lol


Exactly, they dont have much of an ability to grip on the nozzle. They end up in my ears a lot of the times i do use them.

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FIY: The GD11 is the same.

Thank you for being the guinea pig. They looked promising, although I’ve never been a fan of Fearless.

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