RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

I am sensitive to pressure, so its kind of annoying…although fortunately it isnt as much pressure as on BA iems but still…

After this experience, are you considering to get other models from them?

I became a quick fan of the DUNU SA6 until I began realizing I couldn’t listen to it without pressure build up. Really is unfortunate because it sounds great and the cable is godlike. I plan to let it go at some point just because of the pressure issue. I can’t enjoy listening to it because of it.

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yeah, the ST8B is still appealing to me. But it have to wait, I am broke. :sob:
(doesnt help that I ordered the 1More H1707)


It’s OK…

It’s not your fault. :slight_smile:

Now, I have to go photo-retouch pics I took of the Variations that arrived last night, unbox my softbox light that just arrived so I can take better photos of audio gear and then wait for the Xenns Up to be delivered. I don’t have a problem either.


That’s the one that is not anything Fearless, right?

Yeah, seems to be the case.

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Oh shizzzzles

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It’s here!!!


I’m so jealous!! enjoy :slight_smile:

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I have between 07/09 and 07/13 before my tribrid arrives.

GS Audio GD11 Impressions:
Same warning as on the GD3A, it is ventless and does have pressure build-up as well as slight driver flex.

Bass: Very similar to the GD3A except with a lot lower quantity so it sounds cleaner but more boring to me. (wouldn’t be surprised if they have the same DD.)

Mids: Female vocals are forward vocals when needed, otherwise neutral. While male vocals are more neutral as well as lacking warmth and thickness. Has a monitor sound to it (similar to the LZ A7 on monitor mode) but also BA timbre, which doesn’t sound very natural to me.

Treble: this is the weak area; it isn’t tuned well… it has too little pinna gain and rolls-off after 4.5k. The end result is a somewhat unclean treble despite the flat bass. With it leaning towards brightness because of the lack of bass but also lacking air in the upper-treble. I don’t get the point of this treble tuning… (going from the GD3A to the GD11 makes the GD11 sound UNCLEAN…)

Overall: Bass = no complains, mids = some BA timbre but still pretty ok, treble =……what happened???
This might need EQ to fix the treble…because as it is right now, I can’t rec it. Even its strong point, the mids (vocals) loses against the GD3A due to it having BA timbre…what’s the point of having a “reference” tuning, if it has unnatural timbre…
(FIY; I had massive expectations for it, so that might make this impression sound…too harsh, but we shall see what my conclusion on the GD11 is after I am done with the review, but the GD3A is first up.)


That graph just looks odd. I do think I have seen an attempt as such a flat response across the board into a treble drop quite like that.

Probably these 2:

There are still slight peaks above the rest in the treble region, where the GD highest peak is at 2k… just seems kinda odd.

yeah, it is odd…

HI, I wasnt quite active here recently, so I just wanna ask…
GS audio is that OEM shop on aliexpress?

Yeah, the OEM for Fearless and probably others as well.


hoooly, that subbass mountain looks awesome :rofl:

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It doesnt sound as much as it graphs though but yeah, CLEAN and FUN. :+1: