RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

yeah, seems they do have a sale in sweden as well.

…but its only like… 25/30% off…

Yeah, mine is about 35/40% off. It’s honestly my first time hearing about these iems. I only start noticing them after they announced the IE 300 and 900.

Did a quick check on the 400 & 500 and it seems to be not that well known.

The pro line is less marked to audiophiles and more to musicians for stage monitoring. You are more likely to see them in musician supply stores with brands like westone and audio-technica’s professional line of IEMs.

They are definitely better than the BL-03 (mesh modded), especially in terms of bass quality. I think the resolution and imaging is better too, though it’s still a bit fuzzy compared to my ER3SE. The Arias are very well tuned though.

That’s about all I can really say about them. :sweat_smile:

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Latest stuff…


Tanchjim 2.5 balanced fabric cable




Damn, what a haul.

You want me to make your wallet happier? :smirk:

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Tanchjim Prism:

1 DD + 2 BA = 570 usd

Dunu Titan S:

Dunu Falcon Pro:

Dunu Zen Pro:


Oh dang, I was just looking at picking up a higher-end single DD set (IE 900) some time soon… c’mon Dunu, sell me on that Zen Pro, I’m ready for it. :smiley:

Pretty sure the Zen Pro is the last one to be released among the 3 Dunu´s.

The Tanchjim Prism looks beautiful.

It sure does and it sure is expensive as well. :joy:

For $570 it would have to be impressive in what it can do since there are so many good 1dd 2ba IEMs for less money.

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Indeed, that area is full of tribrids now. And I guess that most people that want an iem in that price range would be one of those tribrids.

We have plenty of hybrids in the lower range.

Pretty much, my tribrid just cleared customs today… but it unfortunately is using DHL for shipping so at this point I am just hoping it arrives.

Could have been worse at least it was not UPS, then it would be near guaranteed not to arrive.


Omfg @ Prism…

This price is for the Chinese market, though. Usually, the international price is always a bit more pricey so I’d expect it to hit the ~$600 ballpark. Also, I think Tanchjim is targeting this product as a jewelry-fi rather than for the average joe seeking for the best price/performance IEM, lol.

Yeah, probably more expensive for us.

Dunu Zen Pro?! That sounds interesting!

Softears 1 DD + 2 BA