RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Just listened to the KZ AST and will report that they sound quite meh. I feel their build quality is quite good. I was impressed when I held it in my hand. It felt substantial. The replay of music is just generally uninspired and dull sounding without going too far into detail.

I much prefer the Legacy 2 for around 100 bucks.


You might try burning them in as they change after 2-3 days of usage. I didn’t believe that but that happened with mine… Mine sounded as if it was muffled in the beggining.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll get them going right now.

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Maybe it was just my brain burning in, not sure. :slight_smile:

40 hour burn in, zero changes.

Well, gotta pray to the audio gods to bless your AST lol.


I did as when I got it out of the box and listened to it my first thought was that I had just wasted 100 usd as they sounded really muffled and as if all the sounds were merged together… :slight_smile:

This is kinda the way I’m feeling about the DQ6 right now. Not $100 but still, not finding myself interested enough to listen to them them over my BL-03. They just sound slightly more muffled and kinda meh compared to the Blon. Blon just feels more open, detailed, and natural, with more dynamic range. Gonna give them a little while longer but they might end up as a gift to somebody who needs a decent set.

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I picked up the DQ6 and the EDX, partially because they are cheep and also partially because I do think KZ does a better job sticking to dynamic drivers only… their BA tuning is just off.

I find the modded versions of the two to be complimentary sets. The DQ6 becomes a bass monster while the BL-03 is more balanced and natural-sounding in the mids. In their stock forms I think the DQ6 was actually the more detailed ones.

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Yeah like I said I’m going to give it some more time, but right now I’m just not finding the magic like the Blon has for me. I need to spend some more time listening to see if I can pinpoint and figure out what it is.

I don’t care about it one bit. Just wanted to try a KZ and now I have. :slight_smile:

Having fun doing some electrical modding on the Darkvoice tonight. Haven’t soldered anything in years. Love this. I should have become a welder or something. lol


Got in the smabat m2 pro today. Haven’t had a lot of time with them but they sound good so far and I think they’re very comfortable.

I was greeted by a piec eof rubber when I opened one of the units too look inside, which is unfortunate but doesn’t seem critical

@Rikudou_Goku you didn’t have any other tuning module thingies right? I did get this in the box, but it’s not on the packing list in the manual so no idea what to make of it.


Did you get the M2 Pro or the M2S Pro?

The one I reviewed is the M2S Pro and that one didnt have anything like that…

Fuck me… I ordered the m2 pro. Guess I’ll have to determine whether those are good myself then :P.

oof, sorry. From what I heard the M2S Pro is indeed better than the previous M2 Pro…

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Dammit, well they’ll have to do for now, I’m not going to order different ones right away. I prefer IEMs so they won’t be my daily drivers anyway.

yeah, that sounds good

@Rikudou_Goku have you tried any of the Astrotec Lyra offerings? Thoughts?

No I havent, I did ask for a unit but wont get one.

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I would like to recommend a VFM earbud, the Betron BS10. SIngle 12mm driver. Great overall sound, and currently £10.99 on Amazon. I’ve recommended these to quite a few friends to stop them using their stock phone earbuds, and every one of them has thanked me.