RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Yeah but I’m on the fence now… Not sure if I go the safe route (Shuoer EJ07M/Moondrop Variations) or change the style and go TSMR LAND

how are you guys feeling variation’s treble? not bright at all?

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yeah, had the 3 graphs open all day… FML

I am really sensitive to the higher end of treble around 8k or so range on quite a few BA based IEMs. The variations didn’t cause any issues at all. The mid to treble rise is also less abrupt then some IEMs that I love so if you have issues around 3-4k then I might not be the right person to ask.


I think it’s important to differentiate that something like the Monarch and Variations are tuned a certain way vs something like the Clairvoyance and Oracle.

They are tuned to perform better at certain music genres than others.

They are compliments to one another. What genre of music you listen to may dictate which tunings you might prefer.


No it is bright and very detailed but never harsh or sibilant. Very much like the Monarch. For me, it’s treble done right.

I was actually surprised at how well these handled the heavy metal collection I have. I honestly was not expecting it since the Aria is far from what I like when listening to that part of my collection.

5 finger death punch nearly brought me to tears… to be fair a good part of that is their music alone though.


Yeah, I’m having that into consideration. As we talked before, our tastes overlap. I’m not going the Oracle/Clair route. Also I wanna avoid TA waiting queue (almost 2 months with shipping to my country, no thanks).

My head says something like Variations or Shouer, my heart says something with more treble, air and detail like the lands so it complements my Teas.

How about going with something like this and then when you want, you could just use EQ to switch to a more laidback tuning. 2-in-1 kinda deal.
(better to use EQ for reduction than to increase something.)

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It’s funny because when I’m doing critical listening, metal tracks are usually the last thing I reach for. I almost deprive myself of my preferred music in an effort not to get lost. The tracks I listen to I know like the back of my hand and give me a good sense of the capabilities of the IEM to understand how it sounds and it’s technicalities.

I think being able to properly reproduce some metal tracks I have are tests that really show what an IEM can or cannot do. Metal mixes are usually quite congested since there’s so much going on with dual or quad panned distorted guitars along with distorted bass and loud kicking bass drums all being hit forcefully and very quickly, all competing for lots of the same frequency range.

It’s one hell of a difficult job for the mixing engineer and finally the dransducer to accurately replay.

I wouldn’t rec the Variations or Monarch for metal only due to the ridiculous sub bass emphasis for an accurate replay. It’s too much.

Sooooo, in my search for a OH10 substitute i think i found exactly what i was looking for, just purchased an Ikko OH10! LOL

It is on sale for $159 with free shipping, i will try that deeper insertion trick with it, maybe the comfort will be better. If not, for the price i will just keep it for short sessions, that is how much i love its sound.


Yeah… I like where your thought is going… Nice sugestion, master! (even tho I hate EQ)


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I can agree, it is sub bass heavy for those and usually I wouldn’t go for it either, but for some reason it just seems to work so far with my collection of metal. Though to be fair I tend to pull out troubling songs first from my list and see what areas it does to how I like to listen and do more critical listening after. I also don’t really have a genre I listen to specifically and it is rare if a band has more then 3 songs in my library.

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Well, just purchased LAND. Guess I got my first tribid :rofl: thanks for making up my mind, needed a last push :slight_smile:


But it is sooo much fun and enjoyable sub bass. I love it.

I’m not saying it doesn’t work. I just wouldn’t rec it for metal. I actually prefer something with a beryllium DD or single DD for metal. The FH3 and the FH7 are some of my favorite IEMs for metal because of the beryllium DD speed. They seem capable of keeping up with all those low frequencies moving so quickly without smearing detail ending up in a soft/flubby replay. Looking at you Legacy 3!

The problem I admittedly have (I’m admitting I’m an addict) is that the sub bass emphasis on those two sets is so enjoyable for me that I get lost enjoying that sub bass and when I’m listening to another set and I recognize that level of sub bass isn’t there, I miss it. Even though I know it’s generally too much to begin with. It’s a bad habit I need to stop. Maybe the Mest will help?

Seems like the LZ A6 and the A6 mini have been discontinued. Almost no one sells them and the few that do have the A6 mini at 225 usd (could be found regularly at 50 usd a few months ago) and the A6 at 387 usd (could be found at around 200 usd a few months ago)!

RIP, the A6 is still my favorite set from LZ and honestly my favorite iem with an exotic sound. :pray:


Praying that LZ is working on something new. It took them more than a year to get from the A6 to the A7. They are definitely the type to take their time instead of releasing one after another.

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