RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Look forward to hear your opinions on this. Seems like another polarizing set.

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Yeah will do. Yeah, they seem to have polarizing tastes but my heart was telling me to. I hope it fulfills me :slight_smile:

Edit: As mentioned before I took LAND because is different from the sound signature I’m used to. It’s a U-shape IEM, full of energy and detail/clarity. After doing some EQ to my Teas just to test FRs I realized I’m more of a treblehead than I tought. Just a bit sensitive. For instance, FD5 was just a little to much for me, but Land seems to be smoother. Let’s just hope it serves me well.

To whoever is on the fence for tribid like I was, my other options to stay on the pattern (warmer balance) where Shuoer EJ07M, Moondrop Variations and ISN EST50 (in this order). I’ll keep the Teas for that and down the road, prolly MEST MK2. If I really LOVE Lands too much, Spark :slight_smile:

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Saw you are selling your A7, mind me asking why?

The LZ A7 is a versatility god allowing anyone to adjust the sound of the IEM to their liking.

I really have no need for that. I was trying to get the LZ A7 to sound as similar to my Mangird Tea as possible using the switch on monitor and the black filters.

After it was all said and done, sound wise I preferred the sound of the Mangird Tea to the LZ A7 and don’t find myself reaching to listen to it.

The LZ A7 is the ultimate starter IEM and someone out there should be enjoying the one I have right now.

It’s the only IEM that I have heard that has done tuning switches and swap able nozzle filters properly.


Fair enough. If you lived in Europe or I in CONUS I’d be happy to take it off your hands, but I imagine you’ll be able to sell it easily enough :slight_smile: . Thanks for the answer.

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2021-07-13: GS Audio GD11 review done: GS Audio GD11 - Reviews | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org

Rank: D+

…praying this is their worst iem…


(If anyone wants to support me with my gambles (really starting to hurt now…), you can do it through patreon: RikudouGoku is creating IEM/Earbud Reviews | Patreon)


Just did. It’s not much but it’s something! Thanks for all the effort :slight_smile:


Thank you!

Are you having any problems with EU customs since the new enforcement of the law? All my packages are scrambled and taking twice the time… My buds didn’t arrive :frowning:

My last package was the GS Audio package. And I didnt experience anything different with it (it was sent out way before the new EU laws came though).

Still got another package coming and it is in NL right now. We see if there is anything different, but so far its the same as always for me.

Oh that just reminded me… I have 2 sets of RY4S (300ohm and 32ohm plus) in NL stuck for a month. LOL

Well this sucks. And I guess I’ll have more buds than I need to…

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its only been a few days for me so far.

In the US too . My Earbuds Anonymous have been sitting in customs since June 24


Smabat M2S Pro finally arrived! Still testing both drivers (40 and 150 ohm). Will give more feedback later today. Thanks for the rec @Rikudou_Goku, I’m pretty sure already they are my best sounding Bud at the moment.



What other buds do you have?

Damn, that is a nice cable

It’s your cable, you made it happen :slight_smile: love how it matches the gold driver!

My other buds are:

  • Yincrow X6
  • VE Monk+ (SPC 4.4 Balanced + Smoke Edition)
  • Nicehck Vido
  • 1MORE E1008 Dual Driver,
  • Faaeal Iris CE
  • 1MORE EO320 Piston

Incoming buds:

  • K’s Earphone LBBS
  • VE Zen 2.0
  • VE Monk Metal


Seems they are mostly budget buds. But I definitely want to see your impression on the Zen 2.0 and the LBBS (also have one on the way).


Yeah, only started on the bud rabit hole one month ago. Might dive into Chacone and Blur in the future.

My LBBS should have arrived today, not sure why it didn’t. My VE’s will only arrive when I’m back from vacations.

Also have the 2x RY4S plus stuck on NL customs, forgot to add it to the list.

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Damn, thats quite the rapid progression after only a month.

Looking forward to seeing your impressions on the LBBS, it has quite the reputation on head-fi.

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