RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Check these tracks, sounds epic on the H1707:

H1707 is literally made for trance.

Works great with Hiroyuki Sawano stuff as well as more typical OSTs

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Speaking of nice cables, i am still trying to figure out the best cable for the Mangird Tea, the Kbear Rhyme makes the Tea sound like crap compared to the stock cable.

I just ordered another OCC cable from aliexpress to test it out. Funny thing is that the Tea is the ONLY iem i have for which cables make any difference in the sound. I am curious about why is that…

Wonder if the Tea is just that sensitive to resistance changes causing FR changes…

Do you rec those phones? Curious…

Yap, I never believed in cables until I changed my Tea’s cable, lol. I only own XINHS cables and a PAC480 tho.

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Potential S+ headphones

But damn, why did they have to make it over/on-ear hybrid…


What. the. fuck.

I was done shopping man…

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By crap, do you mean bassier or darker?

hahah, well I guess I can help.

You can skip this if you dont want an unnatural/exotic timbre. The piezo driver in it, as with iems, color the sound with its piezo-timbre in the treble (and the passive bass reflector is different from all other headphones I have heard so far). Its a fun and unique sounding and definitely a V-shaped headphone.

So if you are timbre-head, vocal-head or neutral-head, this wont be for you. But this is essentially the LZ A6 of the headphone world. (which, if you didnt know, was my uncontested flagship iem for an entire year and while it isnt my flagship anymore it is still the nr 1 unique sounding iem in my collection).

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You can always try Slater’s Pad replacement mod

yeah, I am aware that you can change the pads. But it is irreversible and I dont feel like taking that risk, even more so because I dont want the sound to change and pad changes will affect the sound.


I’ve been interested in the H1707 for a while, mostly because of the price and the reviews. I don’t think they’ll play well with my library though. A lot of classic rock and a bit of acoustic music in there. Wasn’t expecting them to be potential S+ though, maybe I should try them… :thinking:

Rock/metal is fine, but its definitely not for acoustic music.

Yea, that comfort is rough, but man can you trip out on some jams with them. They are my 1 regret in selling, but the ppl that bought them love them so I’m glad I made some good ppl happy in the end.

EDIT: I want them to do another and make it over ear and knock off the gamer BS and just give me a refinement of what that Triple can do and fix the comfort! :sob:

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I really mean total crap, the bass lost its slam, the mids are recessed, the highs are sibilant and the overall sound is thinner. I would not pay $50 for the Teas if they sounded like that with the stock cable.

I wonder if the cable could be defective (out of phase maybe…).

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That is a very good explanation for it, that is why i ordered another cable, if i also get bad results from a third cable then i will actually start believing cables change sound! lol

I believe you can check it by rotating one of the cable. (either the left or right)

So the earhooks would face outward instead.

Isnt that dangerous to the driver at all?

Nope, not at all.

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Wow, that is more extreme than I imagined.

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