RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Hi RG, have you heard the Lokahi to compare it to your GD3A miracle? Thanks in advance. I’ve had them in my ears for days and haven’t felt the need to compare back with the EST 112 that arrived the same day (not that they have a similar sound, and I really like the EST112… but something fantastically all-round and enjoyable about the Lokahi)

I don’t have the Lokahi.

Thanks for the reply! Is it on your radar to try one day, or are you not really interested?

Im not really interested in it tbh.

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The family is now complete!

Btw, @Resolution i think your Zen ruined both the Ikko OH10 and the Fostex for me, are you happy now?!?!?! LOL


Damn, tried using micropore tape on the inner vent (not the faceplate vent) and wow. Increased bass quantity without quality loss and overall tonality got a little bit warmer (which I prefer).

@Resolution you might want to try this if you still got it.



Same effect here as on the EST112 with the micropore tape mod.


Ooooohhhhh, can you show us a picture of that? I want to give it a try…

There is a small vent (looks like a dot) that you need to cover.

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Well that’ll do it :grin:


This is the vent.


Extremely similar to Precogs target.


Quality does drop a bit on this and driver flex is present now.


Darn you, I have been A/B(ing) this and now there are some songs I prefer taped and some I prefer untaped. It doesn’t change things a lot, but It does so ever slightly shift the overall balance of the sound.


Exactly why I no longer buy IEM’s with changeable ‘filters’, if you can’t decide on what your preferred sound sig is then EQ :grimacing:…from there get a couple of sets that entertain you with your library…then work tips 'n cables to tweaks…I can go from Z1R’s to OG Andro’s when listening to different genres…depends on mood too :+1:


Yea, I have come to realize my preferred sound signature is more dependent on what I am listening to then I first thought. Though I am finding some commonalities in driver types for certain parts of the frequency range in what I like.

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This’s me 100%…I could live with one of my set’s on a desert Island…but I’d really miss at least one other lol.

Oh boy. Now my rec was too good? I don’t care. I’m taking it as a compliment. :slight_smile:


Nice! Will do. The EST 112 is a bit cool to my liking. Was rocking it last night. I really like what it’s doing to the graph!

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Oh my! The FD5 is bass head level with the tape mod.