Full foams, not the donut (hole in the middle) foam.
I got to say for $10 these things are killer. Impressive amount of low end considering that they don’t seal. I feel like the treble is a little flat but otherwise these things are great.
Also the angle that they sit at are important.
Does it slam??? How does it sound with a +150dB bass boost???
OK, not endgame for anyone. You are the 1 person that the Oxygen would not be endgame for.
Guess you mean 15db and not 150db lol.
(low shelf: 80hz, Q: 1: gain: 15db)
Distorts, cant handle it.
(low shelf: 80hz, Q: 1: gain: 10db)
a little bit distortion but quality is still bad (for me).
(low shelf: 80hz, Q: 1: gain: 7db)
Basshead quantity + quality.
No, he really means 150db! lol
I mean I tried it out at the same time as other similarly priced sets and it was my easiest choice to pass along. You have to really love Harman target.
I kinda prefer DF neutral over Harman neutral, I just kinda wish it was in better comfort IEMs.
If you are talking about Ety, theres the new evo! Dont own it tho
That one looks like it also has a deep fit like the rest of their iems though.
I am and it is on my radar… the ER2XR for me is still the one pair of IEMs I would consider being a ridiculously lower price then how it sounds. Like DMS’s review of the Aria I would honestly not have been surprised if they cost as much as my tribrids. They are also the one pair of IEMs that I have to go out of my way to make myself listen to because everything but the sound is infuriating. The cable is awful, the fit is “okay” now but I went out of my way to sleep with them in to get my ears used to the feel, and they are generally impractical for use out and about because they seal too well. They make amazing yard work or other high noise environment IEMs for that last reason though.
It is more about the sharper rise from the mids to the upper mids is why I tend to like it a bit more. It is also why I tend to favor Moondrop’s Harman since it is also a bit more aligned with the rise then other more strict adherents. I think crin even puts the blessing 2 as a DF set and not Harman
Basically I am fine with the bass boost a lot of IEMs do and if done well, it is even preferred. Maybe not 150db like some people though.
Also the Evo is 3 BA and I am also not sure how I feel about that even if everything else was better then the ER2XR in terms of fit and frustration.
LOL yeah i meant +150dB! Just kidding i know that o e is not for me
Hey thanks for testing the EQ man! It may be a good one for me to try afterall, if aiming for a more neutral set.
It is a benchmark set so yes. Very good to have. The question right now though, is if the Hana 2021 sounds the same as the Oxygen. Because if it is, then its around 100 usd cheaper.
Precog and super reviews that got it believed it is very similar but dont have it to A/B unfortunately.
Yeah, this is putting my wallet on suicide watch. But putting my faith of single DD on Mele, since its 50 bucks
Yeah, its best to wait and see.
@Rikudou_Goku Do you have any rec for a type c to type c cable (preferably black) with gold plated connectors (real gold, not “golden” like dd hifi audio stuff lol) and full metal? If not, any rec for a type c to type c cable?