RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Yea, after I posted I thought about it and kinda guessed that might be it.

Kinda wanted to stop at 69 hours. :joy:


I like that graph.

Not sure about the more linear drop from the sub bass to the mids. I think I prefer a more rolled off response like your target line, though I am far less picky about quantity then some here when it comes to bass.

Kinda feels like they tuned it with my target in mind (probably not).

Oxygen is sweating right now though, because its status of “best female vocal iem” could be stolen…
And the bass is epic as well.

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what? You know I’m a sucker for female voices and a nice bass… keep the info coming! is it out yet?

Its been out of for a few days already lol

tell me, does this sound good on it?

Yes, but honestly its a lot better to use tracks you are familiar with.

I will have the Oxygen in the comparison and if it beats it, maybe I will add the Moondrop Chaconne (Nr 1 female vocals across all my transducers) into the comparison as well.


nice, can’t wait :slight_smile:

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You don’t have regular i3, right? If you’re interested, I can send you one for comparison

Alright, the Oxygen still got better female vocals lol.

I skipped the regular I3 because it is too big for me.

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Yeah, they’re pretty big but I must say that fit is pretty good. Better than DQ6 for example, with DQ6 I get sore ears after 2-3 hours while this doesn’t happen with i3

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The I3 Pro has a pretty perfect size for me, and they claim its 26% smaller (in volume) than the original i3.

So its pretty much a guarantee I wont be able to use it.
(but thanks for the offer anyway)

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Perhaps I’ll snatch i3 Pro too, depends on the rating :sweat_smile:
While i3 is good there are few issues I found with them especially 1k dip and bit too recessed in that 4-5k area.
I can EQ them with qudelix but I don’t like to use EQ, perhaps it’s just my imagine but always when I use EQ, music seems like it’s compressed

Well, the ranking is at least A.

Depends on what you are doing. PEQ is a great tool and if you know what you are doing, you wont really get the “EQ penalty”

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Guess I should grab oxygen huh?

Hana 2021 is probably better value.

Yeah but hbb said oxygen > mele > hana. Guess either oxygen or just enjoy Mele for 50 bucks

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We need more info on the Oxygen vs Hana 2021. But yeah, probably a better choice to wait for reviews on the Mele.

Going to go and buy some food now.

In the meantime, you guys can discuss on whether you like Pizza or Hamburgers more. (oh and pineapples on Pizza is great.)

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