RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Yeah just wait. Sorry, today my buyers addiction is hitting strong.

Pizza is my favourite food. Pineapple on pizza is good. Pepeorini is best pizza.

Come at me bros.




Here he comes. I’m out. My wallet is not safe around you.

Make sure to compare mele to oxygen btw :joy:

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Any specific way PEQ should be used? I set pregain to - 6dB and then correct frequencies I find troublesome and use Q to affect freq. area

This was just for fun to tune similar to mest mk2

Yes sir. :slight_smile:


Is not truth…!!!

Dude, you’re replying to a post from January??

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I know! So what?? It`s my opinion!!!

Anddddd he’s back

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The preamp/gain number should be set to the opposite of the biggest boost you are using.

So if you are boosting x frequency by Y db. Preamp should be -Y db.

As for Q values, you have it correct and here are are the numbers you might wanna remember

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Great, thanks for the link

(I still hold that opinion, maybe even stronger now lol.)

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Yes! I`m here :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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Okay I will bite, what part of the rant?

The tonality of the B2?
What the B2 was specialized for?

Or that acoustic instruments is largely used for anime OSTs… this one I kinda agree is not really a great statement since anime OSTs are so varied in style that unless you are limiting to a specific genre of anime in a specific time period any generalizations about them is kinda pointless.


Yes! However, they are technically superior to O2 in every aspect! The middle tones of O2 are screaming and the dynamics do not correspond much to one dynamic driver !!!

Ahh but that is an opinion and an opinion can not really ever be truth or not. If the Oxygen is better for riku then it is better for riku. If the B2 is better for you then it is better for you. One can not be more true then the other.

I agree, but I still think that B2 is levels above O2 :slight_smile: