" Technicalities: Shiro Sagisu – Hundred years war (02:24-02:57), soundstage is a bit wider on the B2 but is a bit deeper on the Oxygen. Details and instrument separation are better on the B2. But timbre is much better on the Oxygen and much more natural overall."
I did mention that the B2 does have better technicalities in my O2 review.
The issue is, what is the point of having technicalities IF it does NOT sound natural due to very poor timbre.
Depends on how you prefer to listen to prog metal. Personally I like a little less bass quantity but as high bass quality as possible since it can quickly override the rest of the track in too high amounts for me. Upper mids into the treble region depends so much on the band and the mix that some IEMs I own run a bit too hot for one track but are great for others.
I really want Dunu to get that out to reviewers, so we can start getting some graphs on it. I already like the looks and I like Dunu’s cable system in general, now I am just really curious to see what it is tuned like.
I also like the quality over the amount of bass! For me, however, the speed of the transients is very important! I listen very proggresive deathcore/metalkore/metal…
Speed and consistency are large parts of quality when it comes to bass for me.
Falcon Pro. Super has the zen pro graph… but I would still like more reviews on that one just due to it being $600ish range in probability. If the Falcon pro is in the $200 range then I just really need to see it is not doing something odd to probably just get it.
Yes, and the mid frequencies must be dynamic, because with hybrids, the averages are disgusting. The bass is good with some hybrids, but the middle … (guitars, etc.)
More then dynamic I look a for more separation in the mids when it comes to most metal genres since they can get really congested with all that goes on at once, more then a lot of other musical genres.
Just tried crinacle’s PEQ for i3… God this sounds anemic and lifeless
A/B on Mercedes Sosa - Kyrie, my EQ wins all the way. His EQ puts you somewhere on 10th row but totally crushes staging but separates her vocals from the rest. My EQ brings you to 1st or 2nd row but with huge staging and spaciousness.
Just for confirmation I wasn’t biased I did A/B also with my gf and she also chose my EQ