RikudouGoku's Database (IEMs/Earbuds/Headphones Ranking list)

Sonion’s 23 series may change your mind on BA mids. I happen to be listening to 5FDP right now with my GD3A. A metalcore band you probably know, mastering their sound with prominent vocals.
The outro on the House of the Rising Sun is the best I have heard so far, BL-03 included (from memory, don’t have those anymore)

3’40 to 4’00
Great vocal “texture” and guitars not getting in the way despite sharing some frequencies.

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Sonion BAs are great from what I know and heard from the GD3A. :+1:
But for bass I still prefer a DD.

My point was mids but yeah, GS Audio’s AE rep has tried to get me into Sonion BA bass but I am not sure I will spend 200€ for a try.

wait for their new DD driver. they announced it. in testing phase atm

Yeah, wait for the GD3C.

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Just to throw some fuel in the fire…

Teas > oxygen > B2

(oh to the delicate flowers that will rise from under the rocks, they are equal, depends on preference and library. If people could also stop comparing single DD to hibrids, would be gr8)


I would be happy if people just didn’t compare different sound signatures to each other and asking which is “best”. V shape can be good, neural can be good, bright is fine, warm is fine… it all depends on preference and library.


Sure I will :wink:
To be transparent they mentionned GD3C/D to me a few days back but that was in a private conversation so I didn’t share until it went semi-public from their GD3A page.
At the moment I wasn’t so interested in what I thought would be a sidegrade but I should have asked, didn’t expect such an overhaul with a new DD.
Still I may wait even more for a complete upgrade from them, with a higher number of transducers who knows… with that new DD and tuning ?

Nobody cares but here are my 31-band EQ settings on GD3A for metal music :
+0,5dB @52Hz, +1dB @66Hz, +1,5dB@84Hz, +2dB @105Hz, +2dB @135Hz, +1,5dB @170Hz, +0,5dB@220Hz (bass guitar and kickdrums more natural)
+4dB @1,9kHz, +2dB @2,3kHz (male vocals more forward)
and -3dB @4,8kHz (MHF less shouty, less fatigue).

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Hopefully they will take my advice to them (follow my target closer and add a vent).

Well from what I read here and there they seem to appreciate articulate feedback.
Yours is of the best quality but what they will do with what we tell them I have no Idea.

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Looking good! I might have to grab a set of these in the sale.

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ROFL! I said the exact same thing. lol


I disagree. I like both. I have them both in my tier 1.

The IEM everyone should have - Blon BL03

My favorite IEM around $100 - Fiio FH3

Best Starter IEM - LZ A7. Find your preferred tuning.

TIER1 Best IEMs around $300 - Mangird Tea, Moondrop Blessing 2, TANCHJIM Oxygen

TIER2 Best IEMs around $500 - $700 - Safe tuned - Thieaudio Clairvoyance/Oracle, Xenns Up - Subbass tuned - Thieaudio Monarch, Moondrop Variations

TIER3 Endgame - Unique Melody MEST MKII - Authentic audiophile replay at it’s finest.


Hey guys, i have managed to sell my Fiio FD5 and still keep its cable which i loved, but the cable is MMCX and i currently only have 2 pin IEMs, i think this is the perfect excuse to buy a new set!

Any recs for a cheap and fun IEM with decent bass and a MMCX connector?

I think this is the weirdest requirement for buying an IEM i have ever seen, being MMCX! lol

LBBS arrived, really like it as a bud for listening to new slaughter to prevail album. :slight_smile: used PEQ as given by master @Rikudou_Goku. Another satisfying purchase. Thanks a lot for the rec!


Is mmcx still a thing in 2021? :joy:

Theres a 7hz timeless review coming out tonight from hbb that seems good, but not sure its the bass level you are searching for, but its a planar.

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Perhaps buy MMCX-2pin converter?

Otherwise only IEM with decent bass and MMCX I can think of atm is FH3

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Pretty sure he does have/had FH3, that’s why I ignored it.

Get M2S Pro earbud, it’s on Ali sale, plenty of bass :face_with_monocle:

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oh boy, here you go.

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Just ordered LBBS for 31eur on ali :crossed_fingers:

edit: LOL just checked price for M2S Pro… they raised the price to 58eur (discounted from 99eur), that’s almost 10eur more than I paid a week ago